Last week DE's Senate passed HB 30, the civil unions bill, sending it onto the House for consideration. Yesterday the House voted and passed the bill too! That means DE will become the 7th state
to perform civil unions!! The bill now goes before our democratic governor who has already promised to sign the bill, so we should have civil unions beginning in Jan 2012. Although I would prefer civil marriage, Spouse & I will definitely get civilly unionized (or whatever its called) sometime in early 2012. I'd prefer to do it on the anniversary of when we met so that our civil union anniversary would be the same date as our actual anniversary. However, once we are civilly unionized Spouse will be able to add me to his Cadillac-grade health benefits program, saving us hundreds of dollars per month, so we likely won't wait until our actual anniversary on May 26. We've already heard from several of our coupled friends that they intend on becoming civilly unionized too, so there should be a great deal of celebrating in early 2012. More details on our plans to follow.
And speaking of legal recognition of same sex relationships, did you hear about Louis Marinelli's change of heart on marriage equality? He had been touring the country and speaking against it, but recently severed his ties with the anti-gay National Organization on Marriage (NOM) and publicly stated that he supports full civil marriage equality! Check it out here.
Remember the Crush du Jour segment I used to include at the end of each blog post for well over a year? Well, one of my Crushes must have Googled his name and found himself on my blog. He left a comment and since his name was hyperlinked in the comment, I clicked on it which took me to the friend request part of his facebook page. This seemed like an invitation to me, so I clicked the button to send him a friend request. He responded and now we are facebook friends! Actually, this is not the 1st time a Crush has commented or emailed me. Fortunately all 3 times the guys have been cool about it and somewhat flattered that I found them crush-worthy.
My friend Kathryn sent me this incredible video about Yosemite Creek. Its a little long (over 7 minutes) but its very interesting and beautiful. Enjoy!
Yay for your civil unions! Let's keep up the momentum.....
YAYZ! another progressive state! can't wait to throw the confetti at your wedding!
A civil union is something that will get my Bill out of the house. Let me know when and where you and Spouse are getting 'unionized'. Bill and I won't be far behind.
I'm excited and happy for you!
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