The bowl was hand blown by a local glass blower named Deb Appleby. We went with our friends Rick & Nick to one of her public glass blowing demonstrations and found it wonderfully interesting. Then a few weeks later we went to the art show/sale and found that Deb was one of the artists exhibiting, and picked out this bowl.
Its rather large; probably 24-26 inches in diameter, nearly filling the table upon which it sits. Its quite the conversation piece. Its actually a 'second', meaning it has a visible flaw. During the blowing process the glass got too thin in one spot, creating a small hole. The artist repaired the hole, but it is still visible.
As we were purchasing it (at a discount due to it being a 'second') the artist said to us "You realize this is a second, right?" I responded "Yes, thank you. But I think art is like people. Although not perfect, its still beautiful and we still love it." The artist smiled and I continued "Besides, nothing else in our house is perfect so this will fit in just fine."
Spouse & I like the contrast of the modern art glass on the vintage 1940s table. Our living room is decorated in what you'd call 'eclectic' design. Our sofa and love seat are traditional, we have a Queen Ann-style chair, 2 modern/contemporary chairs, and a 1930s art deco chair. Our coffee table and one side table are traditional, and 2 other side tables are vintage 1930s and 1940s. And to top it off, the architecture of the house is reproduction 1890s Victorian. Quite eclectic indeed!
Crush du Jour: Chad Allen

"...'But I think art is like people. Although not perfect, its still beautiful and we still love it.' The artist smiled and I continued 'Besides, nothing else in our house is perfect so this will fit in just fine.'"
I promise you made a fan for life by saying that. Art is hard work, and knowing that someone appreciates it for what it is and not what it's supposed to be is huge for a creator.
Love the bowl! Can't wait to see it first hand. Not so hot on Chad Allen.
The camera takes nice pics!
I like the bowl and the setting.
Chad Allen....HE IS MINE!!!
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