My friend Steven sent me this with the caption "Yea, I'd say he's a winner."

Today is my last day at my job. My boss called this morning to thank me for my "significant contributions" over the last 8 years, and to thank me personally for my professionalism during this "difficult time". I'm guessing some of the others who got laid off must not have been as 'professional' as I was. I sent an email to a small number of colleagues I consider friends and gave them my personal contact information so we could stay in touch. They all responded with heartwarming replies.
On my (extended) lunch break today I stopped at the dry cleaners to drop off some pants I'm taking on the cruise. An Asian man and woman were the only 2 employees. I noticed there was Christian religious music playing in the dry cleaners. I looked around and saw a CD player on the window sill, playing track 8. Maybe I'm being stereotypical but I found it comical and odd that an Asian couple would play Christian music.
My buddy Jason is moving today. He's only moving about 2 hours away, and promises to come back about every other weekend. But he's the person (aside from Spouse) that I spend the most time with during the week. He worked just up the street from our house so we'd meet for lunch. He'd go with me on Thurs nights for karaoke. He'd also go with me to Mandance since Spouse didn't like to go, and we played volleyball at the beach over the summer. I'm really going to miss him, but I'm happy that he is starting a new chapter in his life.
We're going to VA this weekend to spend some time with Spouse's family and so I can attend a luncheon and mini-reunion with some of my Dominants and Choir friends and our former Director Debbie. Many of us haven't seen each other since graduation, 28 years ago! It should be fun.
We're going to VA this weekend to spend some time with Spouse's family and so I can attend a luncheon and mini-reunion with some of my Dominants and Choir friends and our former Director Debbie. Many of us haven't seen each other since graduation, 28 years ago! It should be fun.
I'm not really interested in vampires, but so many people I know have raved about the HBO series "True Blood". A friend loaned Spouse the "True Blood" books on tape which he found interesting, so he asked me to get the HBO series from Netflix. We've only watched the 1st disc so far (2 episodes) but already I am liking it. Despite my non-interest in vampires, the show is so well crafted that I find it entertaining to watch. Little wonder, since "True Blood" is created by Alan Ball, who created the brilliant HBO series "Six Feet Under".