Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

I saw this on facebook and had to share it. So true.

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE the Progressive Insurance commercials with Flo? Seriously, I love them! I can't believe the actress that plays Flo hasn't shown up in any of the new sitcoms that started this week.

A friend sent me this video of a tsunami filmed by someone in a car. Its captivating!

A friend sent me this and I thought it was funny.

I was supposed to be off work today but a client wanted to come to town for a 2nd showing of a home I showed them, so I met her and her mother at 1:00. Although I had the entire morning to get things done at home and have a little 'me time', I found myself looking at the clock every few minutes to make sure I wasn't running late for my 1:00 appointment. She didn't end up writing an offer on that home, but she did decide to go up in price in order to try and get what they really want. I think they're serious!

Here's hoping everyone has a great weekend!


BosGuy said...

I love that first picture. I'm going to post this on my blog too. I'll credit you as the source.

Anonymous said...

Every city should have that street sign. Seriously.