Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.
It was a bad week for celebrities. Ed McMahon died at the age of 86. Probably remembered by most as Johnny Carson's sidekick on the 'Tonight Show', I will always remember him as the host of 'Star Search'!
Farrah Fawcett succumbed to cancer yesterday at the age of 62. Although she later became a serious actress in 'Extremities' and 'The Burning Bed', she will probably be remembered by most as Jill from 'Charlie's Angels', although she was only on the show for its first season. My uncle had this poster tacked to the back of the basement door of their house.
As a joke, my aunt (his wife) took a black magic marker and blacked-out a few of Farrah's teeth!
Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, also died yesterday at the age of 50 from an apparent heart attack. Likely one of the most promising and successful performers ever (next to Elvis), I will remember Michael's brilliant song and video for 'Thriller', which was truly ground-breaking when it was released.
SC Republican Governor Mark Sanford returned from vacation this week. Why is this news? Maybe because people didn't like that he left on this unscheduled vacation with no notice, without telling his wife or staff where he was going or how long he'd be gone, or that he left no one in charge during his absence. Hello! You're a Governor, not a rock star!! Oh yeah, and then there's the part about him being an outspoken opponent against same sex marriage, claiming it would 'degrade the sanctity of marriage', while he is having an extra-marital affair. What a hypocrite! My friend Jared sent me this funny cartoon:
My tiny state of DE took an important step toward equality this week. The Senate and House both approved SB121 which adds the term “sexual orientation” to the already-existing list of prohibited practices of discrimination, forbidding discrimination against a person on the basis of sexual orientation in housing, employment, public works contracting, public accommodations, and insurance. I was so thrilled that I sent a short 'thank you' email to my Senators and Representatives who voted for it. Read the local news story here.
Speaking of equality and same sex marriage, my friend Jared sent me this fabulous chart to help explain the same sex marriage debate. Click to enlarge it.
I recently read that the CDC estimates that over 1/3 of adults in the US are 'obese'. Can that be true? Over 1/3? Really??? The BrylaneHome furniture company has decided to cash-in on America's obesity by launching a new line of plus-size furniture and home goods. Only in America.Tomorrow there is a march to the White House to call on President Obama to show leadership on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Strangely I only saw this once, and am concerned it may be a flop due to poor marketing. The SLDN says that even if you're not near Washington DC, you can join this effort by telling your friends why 265 is disgraceful and why we've got to end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Like those who drew a line in the sand 40 years ago at the Stonewall Inn in New York City, we're standing up to demand action. It's past time for these discriminatory discharges to end.
A friend sent me this hilarious photo of a Redneck fire alarm:
Spouse has doing very well on Weight Watchers! He has lost 19 lbs in 3 weeks. I'm very proud of him. An unintentional side effect of his weight loss has been a significant reduction in his snoring! Hurray!!!
And just in case you're having a little trouble 'getting into' Pride this month, get a load of this! Thanks to joe*to*hell for this campy, tacky, delicious, and fabulous gem that is sure to put you in the Pride mood.
Tomorrow morning we are heading back to VA to attend the 80th birthday party for our friend George. His daughters are having a big, backyard BBQ in his honor and at last check there were almost 90 RSVPs.
Have a faublous weekend, everyone.
Crush du Jour: Remy Feniello