'Tales of the Sissy' is a play on words related to Armistead Maupin's novel 'Tales of the City' which chronicles the daily lives of several seemingly unrelated people. Since my blog chronicles my daily life and I am gay (hence the stereotype 'sissy'), I decided to call my blog 'Tales of the Sissy'.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I wasn't kidding

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Stoopid lyrics
Here's another installment of my blog feature 'Stoopid lyrics'.
A song's appearance here does NOT mean I think the song is stupid or that I don't like the song. In fact, often I like the songs a lot, but find the lyrics just don't make sense.
Judge for yourself!
Come Together
performed by The Beatles
Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly
He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller
He got hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker he just do what he please
He wear no shoeshine he got toe-jam football
He got monkey finger he shoot coca-cola
He say "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together right now over me
He bag production he got walrus gumboot
He got Ono sideboard he one spinal cracker
He got feet down below his knee
Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease
Come together right now over me
He roller-coaster he got early warning
He got muddy water he one mojo filter
He say "One and one and one is three"
Got to be good-looking 'cause he's so hard to see
Come together right now over me
Crush du Jour: Ryan Hughes

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010
Weekend highlights
A 1954 Pontiac Chieftan Deluxe.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Friday fragments
I saw this on Facebook and thought it was a definite 'win'.

My friend Jared sent me this:

I'm off work today for the car club's 'cruse-in'. Tomorrow is our big car show event called 'Beach Ball'.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Today is my Friday
The reason I'm off is because the events related to the car club's "Beach Ball" begin tomorrow. The day will start with breakfast, then a caravan to a neighboring town where we'll park and allow the public to 'preview' our cars in advance of the official "Beach Ball" car show on Sat. Later there will be cocktails, heavy hors d'oeuvres, socializing and dancing.
Sat is the official car show, and Sat night is the dinner and awards banquet.
This year Spouse & I are both entering cars. I will enter Big Ella again, of course.

It will also be fun to get to know more of the car club members this year.
Today Big Ella is at the detailers getting the complete bumper-to-bumper treatment. Tomorrow the SLK will get the same.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pouncer hates riding in the car (probably because he never goes anywhere in the car besides the vet) and moaned and growled the whole way there. Like last time, he would not come out of his carrier for the exam so we had to tip the carrier almost upside down to get him out. He must have been pretty stressed/scared/pissed off because he moaned, growled, and hissed at the vet assistant and the doctor. I tried to calm him by petting him and lightly scratching him in his favorite places, but he was only slightly distracted from his embarrassing behavior.
I was happy the vet took the time to read through all the notes from the past visit as well as the faxed records from the 'glamor vet'. When I offered that Pouncer was exhibiting the same symptoms and I suspected a bacterial infection in his sinus, she asked "yes, but why would he keep getting it?" Unfortunately neither of us had an answer. She confirmed with me that Pouncer was still an 'indoor only' cat and that there were no other cats in the house. Somewhat at a loss, the vet suggested we give Pouncer the same antibiotic as before, since it seemed to work before.
Typically I would be more curious and want to know more about why Pouncer gets bacterial infections. However, I am not eager to subject him to multiple traumatic car trips, stressful exams, and further expensive and inconclusive tests. He's 12 years old. As long as I don't have to take him to the vet more than 2-3 times a year, he responds to the medication, and I don't have to spend more than about $100. each time, I'll do that. But I'm not going to continue to stress and traumatize a 12 year old cat so I can have a concrete diagnosis. Medicine is called a 'practice' for a reason; sometimes they just aren't sure.
I have to give him the medication twice a day for 2 weeks. His symptoms should be much better (if not gone) by that time. In the meantime he gets extra love from his daddies.
Crush du Jour: Axel Brooks

Monday, September 20, 2010
Weekend highlights

Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday fragments
This was sent to me by my friend and frequent blog contributor Jared:

I forgot to mention last Fri that it was week 11 for Spouse on Weight Watchers. He lost another 2 1/2 lbs last week for a total of 45.8 lbs. This week is week 12 and he lost another 1.2 lbs (despite us eating out several times) for a total for 46.10 lbs. He's doing so great and I am so impressed by his determination.
Jared also sent me this gem which made me laugh out loud!

Tomorrow is the DE Pride Festival. Although most cities have their Pride celebrations in June, here in DE we do it in Sept, after the official summer tourist season is over. We don't have a parade (due to some uncooperative city council members) but we have a Pride Festival with lots of entertainment and food and vendor/information booths. This year's headliner is Kimberley Locke of American Idol fame. It should be a fun day.
Here's wishing all of you a FAB weekend!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Dinner with Deb & Greer
During our last dinner together at Planet X we planned to go to Hobo's next. Although Spouse & I had eaten at Hobo's 3 or 4 times in the last month, we certainly didn't mind going again. We have really enjoyed trying all the wonderful-looking items on the menu, which changes daily.

Spouse started out with the roasted tomato and bazil panzanella soup which is so amazingly good he can't help but order it nearly every time we go there. For his entree he ordered a delicious lentil and grilled vegetable dish over grilled pollenta. I didn't know lentils could taste so good!
For her starter Deb ordered the 'Award Winning Gazpacho' which she described as "a religious experience", followed by the roasted mushroom tamale entree.
Greer started with the crab artichoke and brie dip (served hot with crustini) followed by the 'Smack Your Mama' Mac 'n Cheese. Despite sharing some of it with Deb, she still had to take home leftovers too.
Hobo's specializes in healthy foods. Veggies are all obtained from local farmer's markets and only organic and free-range meats are used. I just can't get over how delicious everything tastes! Its not a 'cheap' place to eat, but its certainly worth it in my opinion.
As usual, we enjoyed lots of great conversation with our foodie friends, including yard sales, real estate, work, the joys of living at the beach, and pics and stories of Deb's 1st grandchild. With them its always a good time! To see what else we've eaten click here and here.
After dinner Spouse & I went for a walk on the boardwalk before returning home.
Crush du Jour: Alex Prudhomme

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pesky pets
It started last night with Pouncer the Wondercat. A few minutes after we'd gone to bed I heard his little pads on the hardwood floor as he entered our bedroom. (God forbid we close the bedroom door again or he'd sit outside it and meow for hours.) I felt him hop up onto the bed, which is fine, and assumed he'd settle at the foot of the bed as he often does.
But for some reason, he kept walking around all over the bed. Each time he'd walk close to me it would pull the sheet taut over me and keep me from being able to fall asleep. Then he came up next to me and started licking my arm. I slid my arm under the sheet and he started licking my shoulder. I pulled the sheet up to my chin, leaving nothing exposed but my head, so he started licking my hair. (Licking humans shows affection.)
I spoke to him as I've done before, telling him it was time to go to sleep and to go lay down. For some reason he didn't want to, and instead kept walking around on the bed. Finally he settled down and I dosed off.
I don't know how much time passed, but I was awakened by Pouncer standing next to my shoulder purring loudly. I got kind of mad at him for waking me up so I scooped him up with one hand and lowered him onto the floor. But before I could drift off to sleep again I felt him hop back up onto the bed. This time he settled at the foot of the bed and I returned to slumberland.
Sometime later Jordan (the dog) woke me up with her nails tapping on the floor. Apparently she had an itch and as she scratched it her nails kept tapping on the wood floor. Then she shook her head back and forth, causing her metal ID and inoculation tags to jingle like jingle bells. Eventually I drifted off again.
Sometime later Jordan woke me up again when she sneezed several times.
As is the pattern, before Spouse left for work in the morning he let Jordan outside to pee. I normally get up about 1/2 hour later. After being outside this morning, Jordan came back upstairs to the bedroom with her nails tick-tick-ticking on the wood floor. Normally she lays down and doses until I've had my shower and we go downstairs together, but this morning she just kept walking around.
Into the bathroom with her nails tick-tick-ticking on the tile floor. Back into the bedroom with her nails tick-tick-ticking on the wood floor. Out into the hallway with her nails tick-tick-ticking on the wood floor. Back into the bedroom, back into the bathroom, back into the bedroom. It was as if she knew she was keeping me from sleeping and enjoyed every second of it!
I finally got so mad at her for keeping me awake I yelled at her "Get in your bed!" She did and the house returned to quiet, but it was too late. I was awake. I looked at the clock and decided to get up even though I should have been able to sleep a few more minutes.
So today I decided to pay her back by coughing and slamming drawers loudly to wake her up whenever I see her sleeping. Ha ha... that'll teach that b*tch who's boss!
Crush du Jour: Stephan Weiler

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
This may sound surprising, since I love to wear shorts, go to the beach, and drive with the top down, which people usually equate with summer. But living here in the mid-Atlantic region of the US, I can do all of those things in Sept too.
In Sept the oppressive heat and humidity have subsided. The days are still warm and the nights are cool. The humidity is usually very low and when paired with temps in the upper 70s and low 80s, it make the weather near perfect.
September: my favorite month of the year!
Not so much for Spouse though. September often brings the uncomfortable cramps of transition in life that can leave him feeling blue. To combat this I try to keep our weekends scheduled with lots of fun stuff.
I leave you with the incomparable Ella Fitzgerald singing "September Song".
Crush du Jour: Roger Federer