Spouse & I stopped in at our favorite local discount store Value City. They were having a crazy, end-of-summer, blow-out sale. All men's short-sleeve shirts were $3.99. I didn't buy any because I have more clothes than I can wear. Once or twice a year I edit my closet and donate the clothes I don't want anymore. But we find some fabulous deals on other stuff we needed. We got a set of cushions for our wicker porch furniture for $14.99, which includes a settee cushion and 2 chair cushions. For $14.99!
We also got 2 small tables with metal legs and ceramic tile tops for $4.99 each. I got a pack of 3 briefs originally priced at $12.00 for $1.00. Now, I ask you, where you can get 3 pairs of underwear for a buck? Spouse also picked up 2 nicely scented jar candles for $5. each. We've seen them at many places for $10.-$15. each. The trunk of my car was stuffed and we'd only spent $36. Man, I love days like that!
Today I had a "party lunch". A "party lunch" is when you discover you have no bread with which to make a sandwich, and you're really not in the mood for a bowl of cereal or soup for lunch, so you eat items you'd likely serve at a party!Today's "party lunch" consisted of hummus and goat cheese with rosemary crackers, kalamata olives, and fresh figs. It was quite tasty, and when I was finished eating I felt like I'd just been to a swanky party! The fresh figs came from my neighbor Claudia's fig tree. After retiring from the military, Claudia returned to the house in which she grew up. Her father planted a fig tree a hundred years ago (not literally) and it produces the sweetest, most delicious figs I've ever tasted. Since the tree is big and produces so much, Claudia gives me figs at least once a week.
Its 3:30 and I am officially off work for the rest of the day. My company closes early on the Fri before a holiday weekend, which I believe is a nice thing to do for employees. Spouse & I were supposed to have company for the long, Labor Day weekend but they had to cancel, so this will be our 1st Labor Day weekend in 6 or 7 years without company!We're fine with that though, as we'll be able to relax a little more than usual. We'll start the long weekend off with dinner tonight with 'the usual suspects' and a cook-out at our friends George & Steve's on Sun. Our buddies Doug & Jim will be in town this weekend so we'll likely hook up with them at some point, too. Hopefully this overcast weather will go away so we can spend some time at the beach.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday weekend.