Take that, Gov. Douglas
Today the VT legislature overode Gov. Douglas' veto, making VT the 4th state to legalize same-sex marriage! So take that, Gov. Douglas. The people have spoken. They are not interested in your "personal beliefs". They are interested in full equality for all Americans.Read the story here.Crush du Jour: Matt Loewen
As they should! Although I have a feeling it was all planned that way so that the governor doesn't have to take the heat for the decision. Yippee!
thx for the big white undies...Its one of my faves....
I hadn't heard that yet. That is wonderful news to read!!!!! Just so you know my word verification is sperms! LOL!!!!!! Take care
I too wonder if this was just strategy?! Still pondering Governor "DO-LESS"s strategy....
Great news out of Vermont! :)
and I'm just interested in Matt Loewen's briefs!
I am SO happy that the veto was defeated. I'm guessing that VT will face a similar vote that CA did, so I'm holding my breath.
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