I spoke to one of the engineers last week regarding the large crack in our driveway. In addition, we now have several cracks in our sidewalk, too, thanks to the operators of those huge construction vehicles who accidentally drove on the driveway and sidewalk. The engineer gave me his business card and promised to 'make it right'.
Since I've tried not to let this ongoing construction dominate my blog, I've neglected to mention the hottie foreman I've been watching. He looks to be around 30 and always wears a fleece cap in that sexy kind of way, sorta like the guy in this photo:

Yesterday morning as I had Jordan out in the yard, the hottie foreman emerged from his car, parked in our neighbor's driveway directly across the street. We made eye contact and then he walked toward me. For the first time I was close enough to see his pretty hazel eyes and the small gold hoop earring that peeked out from under that sexy fleece cap.
"Good morning" he said cheerfully.
"Morning" I replied, trying to sound even 1/2 as butch as he looked.
"We should be finished layin' the pipe this week" he offered.
"Why don't you step inside and lay some pipe with me" I wanted to suggest, but decided against it. Instead I said "Oh, really? What about the paving?"
"I don't know about the paving; I'm just the pipe guy" he replied.
"You certainly are..." I wanted to agree, but again, decided against it.
"I'm gonna see the lead engineer later this week so I'll ask him about the paving" he promised. "Hey, I'm sorry about those pipes in your yard over the weekend" he apologized, referring to this:

"No sweat" I replied, again trying to notch up my butch factor. "Its not like we have a pristine yard. I knew from the public works meeting that the grass would be affected by the construction and regrading."
"Well, we usually don't leave stuff in people's yard over the weekend, but we just didn't have any other place to put them. You probably saw how many pipes we had over there" he said, pointing across the street.
"I've got a place for your pipe" I wanted to assure him. But again, I decided against it. "Yeah, hard to believe it would take that many for such a short street" I said.
"We have to pay those people for using their land" he informed me.
"No kidding" I said, genuinely surprised. "What would you have done if that land weren't vacant?" I asked.
"We would have had to stage somewhere else and bring the equipment here each time we needed a piece. It would have made this take a lot longer, so its worth it to pay the owners to use the land, but we try to get in, get it done, and get out as fast as we can."
I was practically salivating by this time, with all that "get in, get it done, and get out" talk! I almost forgot he was talking about the street construction. But Jordan was tugging at her leash, letting me know she was ready to walk, so I thanked the hottie foreman for the info and wished him a good day.
A very good day.