Friday, December 18, 2015


Ugh - I hate being sick.  Not that anyone actually enjoys being sick, but I really hate it.  Fortunately I'm not sick very often, so when I do get sick I find it terribly inconvenient.  In my brain it would seem that people who are sick more often are less inconvenienced because they're more used to being sick.  Does that make sense to anyone besides me?

I've got acute sinusitis.  The symptoms are similar to a sinus infection only there's no
infection, so there's no point in taking antibiotics.  I'm taking Clariton-D for the sinus congestion, 800mg Ibuprofen for the sinus pain, effervescent immune support (a tablet of several vitamins and magnesium that disolves in water) to hopefully shorten the duration, cough drops when necessary for sore throat.  Just before bed I also take ZzzQuil which contains a sleep aid because the sinus congestion is causing breathing problems which make it hard for me to sleep.  I'm taking everything I possibly can to treat the symptoms and feel better as soon as possible.

In addition to feeling crappy, I also hate being sick at this time of year because it causes me to miss fun holiday events.  I missed my company's holiday party on Wed night, and missed the Blue Moon's employees and performers party on Thurs night.

I'm hoping to feel well enough tomorrow to go to my friend Joe P's big Christmas soiree AND perform in the Legends Christmas show that night.  

Wish me luck!


Ur-spo said...

get well soon
Having the flu sounds comfy-cozy but when I have it it is lousy and no fun.

anne marie in philly said...

"In my brain it would seem that people who are sick more often are less inconvenienced because they're more used to being sick. Does that make sense to anyone besides me?" - it does to ME (says the chronic asthmatic).

get well soon, dear!

Mistress Maddie said...

I hope you feel better soon. What you need is a houseboy to spoon feed you chicken broth.

Shirtless Lovers said...
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Mark Alexander said...

I've had the same crap going on close to 3 weeks now. I've been doing a similar self-medicating routine as you and I think it's FINALLY clearing up. I feel your pain. It's horrible.

Jack said...

Feel Better!!! Try doing the hot shower thing...loosens EVERYTHING up. Thanks for the blog. I appreciate the work you do.