10th Blogiversary!
Managing milestones is a big part of my job as a realtor, so it is absolutely CRAZY to me that I realized today that I missed acknowledging this blog's 10th blogiversary on Dec 28!
Yep, that's right - I've been blogging since Dec 28, 2004.
Its kind of hard to believe I've been doing this for 10 years. My 1st couple of years of posting was just text - no photos. This was because smart phones hadn't been invented yet or weren't prevalent, and uploading digital photos from the camera to the computer to the blog was tedious. But the quality of my posts was probably better back then, as I couldn't rely on photos to fill up a post, or BE a post. I'm going to take a little time and read some of my early writing to provide me with inspiration for better future posts.
Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting over the years! Its fun to share my life and thoughts with you guys. Thanks to blogging I have met quite a few great folks in person whom I consider real friends. While keeping up my blog isn't always easy or convenient, it feels like a real accomplishment to say I've done it for 10 years now, and have no plans to stop.
YAYZ!!!!! happy blogiversary and many many more!
Happy happy! And Happy New Year, too!
Congrats!!!!!!!!! Yours and Davids were the first blogs I read, and then got me started. You had me thinking now....its been a little over 8 for me. Where does the time go???? I may not always comment, but I still read you!!!!!!!
Congratulations Mark! 10 years!
Happy New Year.
May there be ten years more and then some!
I am honored to be part of it.
Happy Blogaversary!!!
10 years! thats quite the accomplishment!
You've come a long way baby! Congratulations.
How'd I miss this??
Happy Happy Blogiversary to one of the very first blogs I ever read and followed!
Cheers to the next ten!
Belated congratulations for your anniversary.
Congratulations! You were the first person to ever tell me about blogging…and look where it got me! Happy anniversary, Blog Boy!
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