Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Mine & Spouse's offices are both closed today today due to Hurricane Sandy.

We are not in the mandatory evacuation zone (just 3 blocks away) so we are not required to evacuate.  Since don't feel we are in danger of flooding, we are hunkered down and riding out the storm.  There is a ban on non-essential driving in place, which is further reason to stay home.

Yesterday Spouse brought the porch furniture into the garage, made sure all the windows were closed tightly and locked, and went to grocery store.  We have enough food that doesn't require refrigeration or cooking to survive at least a week with no power, including Fritos, cookies, Pop-Tarts, and candy.

So far we've had lots of rain and a lot of gusty wind.  We've been told to expect power outages but so far so good today.  We're just relaxing and watching TV.

Marvin does not like going out in the wind and rain to pee and poop.  But since he's a small dog it will be much easier to clean up any accidents he may have in the house.

Every once in a while the wind whistles like a horror movie and it gives me the chills!


Anonymous said...

I liken Sandy to a wet, sloppy blowjob here in RI. Extreme coastals got hit pretty bad including a few of my favorite places in the state.

But high and dry here and never lost power.

As to small dogs, if I ever figure out an effective treatment for my dog allergies we'll get one and I'll train it to use the litter box. I'm sure the cat won't mind.

anne marie in philly said...

I love your emergency food supply! except for the fritos (yuck!).