'Tales of the Sissy' is a play on words related to Armistead Maupin's novel 'Tales of the City' which chronicles the daily lives of several seemingly unrelated people. Since my blog chronicles my daily life and I am gay (hence the stereotype 'sissy'), I decided to call my blog 'Tales of the Sissy'.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Weekend highlights

Sun after coffee and conversation we had breakfast at Ocean Point Grill. The guys had packed their car beforehand and left directly from the restaurant. Spouse & I hung out at home for a while, then met up with Steven and Dennis & Rasaahn for dinner.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday fragments
Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.
As you might expect, this left me thoroughly delighted!
Did you read/hear about the man in China who claims his penis was stolen? If not, read about it here. But unlike John Wayne Bobbitt, the man in China's penis has not been recovered.
This gave me a good chuckle.
Several professional athletes have made a video called "Words Do Hurt" in an effort to take a stand against homophobia in sports. I love it when straight celebrities use their power for good instead of evil.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Happy hour
Last night we went to Doug & Jim's house for a happy hour. On a Wed night. Isn't that great?
Here are some of the others who attended.
I enjoy people who don't have to wait for the weekend to enjoy a cocktail.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Birthday highlights
Spouse's birthday happy hour at Saketumi went great. Lots of friend showed up including Steve & Thad, the Bobs, Doug & Jim, and Christy & Todd. We had cocktails and some sushi rolls and visited with everyone for about 2 hours. Then Spouse & I headed over to Ivy for dinner.
Ivy is a new restaurant that backs to the bay, offering fabulous views while dining. After dinner hours the restaurant transforms into a nightclub with live DJs and fantastic lighting. The decor is mostly white and quite chic. Slowly changing colors of light spray across the white wall decorations. Spouse & I sat at a table very close to the wall of glass overlooking the bay.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Happy birthday Spouse!!
Today is Spouse's birthday. Since I am 8 months older than him, today he joins me in being 48 and we'll be "the same age" for the next 4 months.
I planned several ways to celebrate his birthday today. The 1st one he actually received yesterday when he got home from work. You see, Spouse hates to fold and put away clean laundry. He will wash and dry clothes and then pick what he wants to wear out of baskets for weeks. So as a 'gift' to him, yesterday I spent 2 1/2 hours folding and putting away 6 baskets of his laundry, including matching up socks. At 1st he didn't see this as much of a 'gift' but then I explained how long it took and that I did it on my day off of work; then he thanked me.
His next 'gift' was a gift card to the Calvin Klein factory store. He likes that store now that he's lost weight and can actually wear clothes from it. I put the card next to his cell phone before I went to bed last night so he would find it this morning.
A florist will deliver an arrangement of flowers to him at work today. He loves flowers and I think its 'special' to have them delivered to his office where his colleagues will share in celebrating his birthday.
This evening we are meeting several of our friends for happy hour at Saketumi, then Spouse & I are going to dinner at a new, chic restaurant and lounge called Ivy. It backs to a fabulous view of the bay which should provide a lovely backdrop to our celebratory dinner.
Here is a photo of Spouse that I've always liked, taken in 2003 in Alaska.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Marvin's transformation
Our friends Steven & Thad sometimes chide us for being "so gay", as if that's a bad thing. I know they are just kidding us. But we are gay, so when we do or say something that elicits that "so gay" comment, I just say 'thank you' because that means we're being authentic.
Recently Steven sent me the following:
Marvin before Mark & Spouse
Marvin after Mark & Spouse
I laughed uproariously!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Bob Evans
Bob Evans has never been one of my favorite restaurants, partly because of the mediocre food, but mostly due to the "atmosphere". We would occasionally go there with Spouse's mother when we lived in VA and took her to dinner on Thurs evenings.
I'm not sure why but Bob Evans seems to be a big favorite with the seniors. And of course I have nothing against seniors! They're wonderful people and they deserve to eat out. But the seniors I've often seen at Bob Evans seem to have 1 foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, if you know what I mean.
It can be 105 degrees outside and they will slide their walkers into the Bob Evans wearing Bermuda shorts from the 1970s cinched at the waste with a white belt to keep them up because they've lost 30 lbs since they bought the shorts 40 years ago, with white nylon knee socks, black orthopedic shoes, and a clear tube extending from their nose to their pull-along oxygen tank. Some of the 'hipsters' will also be wearing a baseball cap with the gasoline station logo on it.
Come on! Who wouldn't lose their appetite after seeing that?!?!
When Spouse used to suggest having a meal there I would tell him I didn't want to come home smelling like bacon and Ben-Gay.
I think the side orders part of the menu includes Geritol and Metamucil.
Recently Steven & Thad conspired with Spouse and the 4 of us went to dinner at Bob Evans. Very little if anything had changed since my last visit years ago with Spouse's mom.
First off we were sat at a booth behind a 'mature' couple who had to be 120 years old if they were a day. She couldn't hear very well so her husband talked REALLY LOUD the entire time, and each time the waitress asked if she wanted more coffee or water the lady would yell "HEH???"
Just a moment or 2 after being seated we heard this horrible wet, gloppy cough coming from the woman at the table across the aisle. Not a dry, raspy cough, but a big, fat, juicy cough that sounded like she needed a receptacle for whatever she was coughing up. Steven & Thad looked at me for a reaction and I just rolled my eyes. The coughing occurred several more times after our food arrived, and hearing it made me not want to eat.
I've never seen so many wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, oxygen tanks, or canes in 1 place in my entire life!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
20 things
I can't remember where I saw this, but I thought it was interesting enough to share.
20 Things to Do in your Relationships
- Free yourself from people who are always negative
- Let go of people who are already gone from your life
- Give those you don't know a fair chance
- Show everyone kindness and respect
- Accept people just the way they are
- Encourage others and cheer for them
- Be your imperfectly perfect self
- Truly forgive people and move forward
- Do little unexpected things for others everyday
- Be loyal
- Stay in better touch with those who matter the most to you
- Keep your promises and always tell the truth
- Give what you want to receive
- Say what you mean and mean what you say
- Allow others to make their own decisions
- Talk less and listen more
- Recognize when an argument is petty and stop it
- Pay attention to your relationship with yourself
- Pay attention to who your real friends are
- Ignore unconstructive, hurtful commentary
Friday, July 13, 2012
Friday fragments
Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.
Today is Friday the 13th.
I am not a superstitious person but I've a few who are. For instance, my childhood best friend was born on Friday the 13th and one of his aunts refused to be in the same room with him because she feared something terrible would happen to her! At the other end of the spectrum I have no problem walking underneath ladders or having a black cat cross my path.
It should come as no surprise from many of the gorgeous men I've
featured on my blog that I find hairy men to be attractive and sexy. If you'd like a refresher, click on the 'sexy' label on this post. So
it absolutely delighted me to come across an image of this button on facebook!
Now I just need to find out where to buy these buttons.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The fabulous drag comedienne and story-teller Miss Coco Peru made her annual visit to our fair hamlet last night. She always performs a fantastic show at the Blue Moon and I am always there. (Click the Coco Peru label to read my previous posts about Coco's shows and getting my photo taken with her.)
This year Spouse opted out of going to the show with me, Joe P, and Steven & Thad but he did join us for dinner before the show at Cafe Azafran. We all had tapas which is always good there. Afterward Spouse went home while the rest of us went to the Blue Moon to claim our seats on the front row.
Coco did not disappoint. As usual her blend of music, childhood and family stories, social awareness and hopefulness about the future left us laughing so hard our sides hurt!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
One of the benefits of our civil union is that I was able to join Spouse's terrific insurance.
Since becoming self-employed I was purchasing private health insurance which gave me minimal care with a high deductible. Since Spouse is a State employee he has terrific health insurance, dental insurance, and vision insurance. Joining his plan costs a whole lot less and I'm getting far better coverage!
The 1st thing I did upon receiving my ID cards was schedule a long-overdue eye exam. My eye doctor is close to my home and office and he advertises in the local gay publication. Plus an acquaintance of mine works there. So I got my eyes checked and ordered a year's worth of contact lenses which arrived the next day.
Shortly afterward I started having sinusitis symptoms so I took Claritan-D for a couple days. It helped with the congestion part but my glans were still swollen and I just couldn't seem to clear my throat at times. My previous doctor took a position at the hospital so I knew I'd need to find a new doctor if my symptoms didn't improve. I asked Steven & Thad because they used to have the same doctor I had, and found they liked their new doctor. I called his office in the morning and was able to get an appointment that afternoon. I didn't know it at the time but I later found out my new doctor also advertises in the local gay publication. Anyway, my co-pay was only $15 and my antibiotic perscription was only $3.87. That's correct... $3.87 for a week's worth of antibiotics!!
All of this just underscored how important it is for people to have insurance. Without it a doctor visit and perscription could easily be $200. When people without insurance can't afford to pay out of pocket, they usually don't go to the doctor until they become so sick they have to go to the hospital, which winds up costing way more than if they just had insurance in the 1st place. I certainly hope our government can find a way to make health insurance for everyone a reality.
Monday, July 09, 2012
Weekend highlights

When we returned home from the funeral Spouse's brother Louis and his wife Karen were here. They had asked if they could visit with us and stay over night since they were taking the ferry the next day to Cape May. We had a snack together, visited for a few hours, and played with Marvin. Louis is a huge dog fan and he got a kick out of little Marvin Parker. That evening we had dinner together at Bethany Blues BBQ and then talked until bedtime.
Friday, July 06, 2012
Friday fragments

Well, Anderson Cooper finally came out this week. Not that anyone was surprised. You can read about it here.
Spouse read that Chihuahuas are prone to larynix collapse so we decided to get Marvin a harness rather than attach his leash to his collar. He often tries to chase rabbits, squirrels and birds and when his leash gets fully extended it yanks his collar hard against his neck. It didn't take him long to warm up to the idea of wearing the harness and its pretty easy to put on him. He actually looks cute in it. A kid asked me if he was wearing a "vest". Since he's white and the harness is red, he sort of looks like he belongs on a lifeguard team.
I saw this on facebook and literally laughed out loud!!
Shopping Center Sign FAIL.
Thursday, July 05, 2012
4th of July highlights
My office was closed yesterday for July 4th but I still "worked" most of the day anyway, just not on real estate. I cleaned off all the screened porch furniture and cushions, swept the porch, put all the furniture back in place, and gave the wrought iron patio set a fresh coat of white paint. While I was still hot and sweaty I went ahead and pulled some weeds from the flower beds and watered Spouse's fancy red hydrangeas (which haven't bloomed yet). Once inside the cool air conditioned house I put away lots of odds and ends, vacuumed the main level and cleaned the kitchen. All this in preparation for hosting a July 4th cook-out.
Around 4pm Steven & Thad, Joe P, one of the Bobs, Robin & Bill came over. I decided not to drive Big Ella in the Doo Dah parade because it was just too hot. I was afraid the extreme heat might cause her to overheat, so we all walked over to the parade route and watched parade instead. Then everyone can back to the house for the cook-out but we ate indoors. All that work to clean the porch and repaint the dining set and we ate inside! But the food was tasty and we had a good time. Later we rode down to the beach to watch the "volunteer" fireworks. These fireworks are not paid for or sponsored by the City; they are paid for and set off by private citizens or "volunteers" and they're great! For more than 90 minutes we were delighted and entertained by fireworks directly in front of us, to our left, to our right, and even across the bay. It was a fun display.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Tears of joy
One of the most satisfying parts of my job is helping people find and purchase a home they love.
Some clients don't find them right away. I have 2 clients with whom I've been working off and on for over a year who are finally under contract on homes they love.
Other clients find them right away, like Gail & George. They called about a listing my team had so I showed the home (and 3 others in the neighborhood) to them. They called me a week or 2 later about another community they drove through and liked so I showed them several homes there, and that's where they found "the one". Just 2 times out with them and we found the right home for them.
We wrote an offer, negotiated a bit with the sellers, and the deal was done. When I called Gail to congratulate them on their new home, I could hear the crack in her voice as she said "Thank you". She became overcome with emotion and began to softly cry tears of joy.
Monday, July 02, 2012
Tears of sadness
My typical Weekend Highlights post is being pre-empted today in honor of our friend Rusty.
Late Sat night Rusty was riding his bicycle home when he was struck by a drunk driver and killed. According to witnesses and the police report, Rusty was thrown onto the hood of the Jeep and the bike went underneath. When the driver it a curb, Rusty flew off the Jeep into the street. The driver attempted to drive away but had to stop again to pull the bike out from under the Jeep.
The police had been called by a witness and since they were nearby, they arrested the driver who refused to take a sobriety test. An ambulance was also called and Rusty was pronounced dead at the scene.
Rusty was a dear friend and this tragedy is difficult to process. Although he was the source of lots of fun and laughter, its hard to think of him now without tears.
Although I'd never want anything bad to happen to any of my friends, Rusty was one of the people I'd least want something to happen to. He was always cheerful, optimistic, smiling, generous, and kind. He did volunteer work and raised money for charities. Rusty always joined us for birthday parties, potluck dinners, Christmas tree trimming parties, and 4th of July cook-outs. Those events will seem a little empty in the future without Rusty.
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