My mind is on Sun when we'll be in VA spending Easter with the family. There will be good food, lots of candy, and an Easter egg hunt. For many years we didn't have an Easter egg hunt because our nieces and nephews were too old for it. But now 3 of our nieces/nephews have little kids so we can restart this old tradition which should be fun.
Easter egg hunts remind me of an Easter about 15 years ago or so when our nieces and nephews were still little and we had our beloved beagle, Jordan. Spouse's sister made the mistake of hiding real hard boiled eggs for the Easter egg hunt. Being a hound with a keen sense of smell, Jordan sniffed out all the eggs and ate them before the children had a chance! The kids all cried and said "That's not fair! Jordan ruined Easter!" It was like a scene from a National Lampoon movie! And naturally, Jordan had THE WORST GAS that night.
Lesson learned.