Monday, December 05, 2011

Weekend highlights

On Sat I worked until 4pm instead of 5pm. Since the company was preparing to participate in the Lewes Christmas parade, we closed an hour early. I adorned Big Ella with a lighted musical wreath and red velvet bows, and lined up at the parade route. I was amazed at how many people attended the parade! There had to be several thousand spectators lining the streets. It was great! After the parade I met up with Spouse, Steven & Thad, and Joe P at the house and the 5 of us went to dinner at La Tonalteca. Afterward the 4 of them stopped at Walmart to pick out toys for the Toys for Tots drive, while I headed to the Blue Moon to get ready for the Legends Christmas show. Joe P took this photo:
The 4 of them came to see the show, as did 2 of my clients and my neighbor Barb and a handful of her friends. The show was a lot of fun! Here's a clip taken by Joe P:

Afterward, the 5 of us went to a Toys for Tots toy drive and dropped off our toys. We got home just after midnight and I was exhausted. It was a long day.

Sun Spouse & I spent all day cooking, baking, cleaning, and setting up for our tree trimming party. It seemed like I everything I tried to do backfired. I couldn't seem to get the tree to stay straight in the stand, despite adjusting it and tightening the screws a number of times. Then 3 out of the 4 strings of lights I'd used last year wouldn't light up all the way. Then made 2 pans of brownies and set the kitchen timer on the microwave. Spouse used the microwave so it erased my timing of the baking of the brownies. Both pans were burned to a crisp and had to be thrown away. But everything came together nicely, despite all my bad luck that day, and we had a great time. Joe P took this photo too:The tree looks gorgeous and I love that it is a creation of our friends. I was so tired that we went to bed before 10pm - a real rarity for me.


  1. anne marie in philly6:48 PM

    oooooooooh, pretty shiny tree! sorry to hear that everything you touched beforehand turned to crap!

    do you have a photo of big ella from the parade?

    handsome man singing a nice holiday song; and to think you never celebrated holidays before!

    smooches to all my DE boyfriends!

  2. Great tree and great voice! I can't tell you how many Christmas tree debacles Brad and I have had!

  3. Nice job! A great way to get the season started. Merry Christmas.


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