Friday, December 02, 2011

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

A friend of mine posted this on facebook and I laughed out loud!

Another friend sent me this along with a story about the driver and passengers wearing these artificial moose heads while driving down a highway with the hunter strapped onto the roof, all as a joke. Apparently this 'joke' caused a multi-car accident.

Christmas parade season is here! Last night I drove Big Ella in the Georgetown parade, and tomorrow night is the Lewes parade. The Rehoboth Beach parade is Tues night and the Milton parade is Wed night. There are several opportunities for Big Ella to be enjoyed and adored by the public.

We're looking forward to our tree trimming party. I put up the tree yesterday, and will put the lights on before folks come on Sun afternoon. Then our friends will come over and help us hang all the ornaments, visit, and snack. It should be fun!

Several times I've written here in support of alternative energy. I believe our government needs to support it too, and if you agree, please click here and enter your address. The system will automatically generate an email to the representatives in your district which you can edit (which is best if you have time) or just send the email as-is. It only takes a few minutes and can help save layoffs and create thousands of good, middle-class jobs.


  1. I love the message the reverse hunting photo gives. Very imaginative.

    One of the best things about the Christmas holidays is is decorating the tree. It just screams of my childhood.

  2. anne marie in philly6:49 PM

    the WWJD - bwhahahahahahaha!


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