Friday, August 06, 2010

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

My friend Jamie (who is the king of Craigslist) sent me a link to this funny car ad which was originally posted on Craigslist, but was removed due to language. Fortunately someone else found it as funny as I did and hosted it on another site. It had me laughing out loud!

My friend and frequent laugh contributor Jared strikes again with this one:
Hmmm, I wonder what they serve there???

This week my blog reached the milestone of 100 'followers'. A very grateful 'Thank you' to you followers and to those of you who visit but are not followers! Sometimes it still amazes me that people are interested enough in my life and writing to 'follow' my blog, but I'm happy they are.

My friend Koset shared this video of a 330 square foot Hong Kong apt that lives like a house. I find this kind of creativity and ingenuity to be fascinating!

Spouse continues to do well on Weight Watchers. He's lost 31 lbs in 5 weeks!

Here's a little sneak peak for you Glee fans at the next season of Glee.

Our longtime friends Mike & Clark and Ron & James will be visiting us this weekend! We don't have much on our weekend 'agenda' other than talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and relaxing but that doesn't sound too bad, does it? We always have fun with these guys. Plus I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.

Here's wishing everyone a terrific weekend!

Crush du Jour: Jonny Craig


  1. Where did you find Jonny Craig? And where can I get some of that? WOOF!
    And of course, Behr Hugs!

  2. anne marie in philly5:33 PM

    I would like to ride the crush until he screams for mercy!

    have a great weekend, mark and spouse!

    PS - congrats to spouse on his WW loss!

  3. Have a great weekend Mark :-)

  4. Mark you are a good storyteller, with lots of stories people can relate to. That' a combination few people have at their disposal.

  5. 31 lbs in five weeks? He should do a commercial for Weight Watchers! Good for him...!!!


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