Monday, April 08, 2019

Social weekend

I convinced Spouse and Steven & Thad to go to FURst Friday, a monthly happy hour sponsored by our local (gay male) bear social group. 
We had a fun time!  I chatted with several current friends whom I see more on Facebook than in person, and also met several new people.  Its a very casual, relaxed environment and I'm sure we'll go to future FURst Fridays.

Afterward the 4 of us went to dinner at Summer House.  The food was fine but not terrific.  At least the portion size was good.  I had enough to take home and eat for lunch the next day.

On Sat I worked (as usual) and then Spouse & I went to dinner at Mama Maria's, which was new to us.  The food was very good so I'm sure we'll go back.  Later that evening I didn't feel like staying in so I went to see the Legends show.  Yes, the same Legends show that I perform in.  I'm typically not there when I don't perform so I never actually see the show as a spectator, so it was fun to do that.  My friend Rick was there so we hung out a bit before and after the show.  

Then I walked over to the Pond for their Studio 54 disco party.  
I love disco music, and I'd seen online that they were encouraging disco-era costumes (I didn't dress up) so I thought it would be fun, and it was.  The music was great - I knew all the words to all the songs - and some people really went all out on their disco attire.  It was fun!

On Sun Spouse & I did a few things around the house, ran some errands, and then met up with Steven & Thad for dinner at Ruby Tuesday.  I was craving a good salad bar.  While there I ran into some clients to whom I'd sold a home several years ago, so I chatted with them a bit to see how they were doing.

It was a fun, social weekend.

1 comment:

  1. FURst friday looks like fun, as does the disco party!

    SMOOCHES to all my DE boyfriends!


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