Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Palm Springs: day 2

On Sun we had coffee at home, then went to Elmer's for breakfast.  "Kathy" from the plane had recommended Elmer's and we soon found out why.  It was a Sun so there was a 20 minute wait for a table even though its a huge restaurant.  But at least there was a beautiful mountain view to look at while we waited.
The only bacon they offer is Daily's smokehouse bacon with which I was not familiar, but I'm here to tell you it was DEE-licious!  
My breakfast was SOOOO good!
All 3 of us really enjoyed our breakfasts.  We saw so many good looking lunch items on the menu we made a mental note to come back for lunch at some point during the week.  We spent the remainder of the day enjoying the pool, spa, and cocktails at home.
Spouse in the pool with wearing his hat and sunglasses

Me in the pool wearing my sunglasses

Spouse enjoying the spa

I don't remember why I was making this silly face.

Because the sun is so bright we literally wore sunglasses all the time. These are my extra dark sunglasses I bought in Seattle

I liked the way the 2 chairs reflected on the calm water
I made pink grapefruit crushes for happy hour by the pool.  We may have enjoyed a few of them!

Later we showered and headed to The Purple Room, a Palm Springs icon where the Rat Pack once played which is now owned by the infamous Judy Garland impersonator Michael Holmes. Spouse & I had wanted to see "The Judy Show" on our last visit but it was sold out, so we purchased tickets in advance this time.  We started with cocktails and appetizers in the dimly lit dining room which features a sparkling ceiling (hard to see in my photo).
The sparkling ceiling in The Purple Room

Spouse & Carl
Me, Spouse, and Carl
The food was really good and the service was impeccable.  Once everyone had finished eating and the dishes were cleared away, the show began.  Michael Holmes does a hysterical impersonation of our favorite Judy, Drunk Judy, as if she's hosting a dinner show in 1963.Of course he sings live and sounds a LOT like Judy.
Drunk Judy
There was plenty of audience interaction, including Judy coming directly up to Carl and taking his iPhone from his hand as he was taking a video.  It was all in good fun though.  One of Judy's friends Bette Davis dropped by too.
Bette Davis
We enjoyed the dinner and show very much and laughed ourselves silly!  Judy was kind enough to pose for photos with everyone after the show.
I would highly recommend seeing this show when you're in Palm Springs.

After the show we had drink or two at Chill Bar before heading back to the house.

1 comment:

  1. "I don't remember why I was making this silly face." - you were sitting on a jet getting turned on? I did that once - true confession!

    todd wants to know what bette davis did on stage. the show looks like loads of fun!


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