Monday, October 22, 2018

Palm Springs: day 1

We had an awesome time in Palm Springs!  We did so much and I took so many photos I want to share that I've decided to split everything up into several daily posts.

Sat morning our brother-in-law dropped Carl, Spouse & me at their airport and we headed directly to the TSA security check-in.  It was there that we discovered Spouse's ticket/boarding pass had my last name on it!  Since his ID didn't match is boarding pass, we weren't allowed to proceed.  We went to the airline's ticket counter and explained the situation to the agent.  Somehow during the online booking process Spouse's last name got changed to my last name and although he showed ID to verify his last name, their ticketing system does not allow name changes.  They had to cancel both of our tickets and re-book them again with his correct name.  This meant we lost our seat assignments for both the first flight and the connecting flight, although they were able to re-assign our seats to us for the first flight. This whole process took up an inordinate amount of time so the ticket agent phoned the gate agent to advise them to hold the plane door open for us.  We rushed back to the gate and were literally the last 2 people to board the plane before they sealed the door.  I'd texted Carl several times to let him know we WERE getting on the plane.  Once we arrived at the next airport we immediately got different seat assignments for the connecting flight.  Fortunately it wasn't full so we had an empty seat between us.

Once we arrived at the tiny Palm Springs airport we checked in for our rental car and got a great restaurant recommendation as well.  Then we unpacked our stuff at our charming AirBnB house (more about it later) and headed downtown, just 3 miles from the house.  It was about 3pm local time, but felt like 6pm to us and we were ready for some food since neither of our flights included food.  We decided to go to Trio since we'd enjoyed it so much on our last visit.  
Carl, Spouse, me
We opted for cocktails and small plates since it wasn't really dinnertime yet.  I got blue cheese filled figs wrapped in bacon which were absolutely delicious!!  Next we walked down the street just a little way to Shag, an art store Spouse & I had enjoyed on our last visit.  Carl fell in love with it like had. Spouse & I posed for this photo
Oct 2018
because we'd posed in the same spot on our last visit
Feb 2018
Next we went to the Super Walmart for groceries, toiletries, and a bathing suit.  Yep, despite my expert packing abilities and not being rushed at all, I managed to forget to bring a bathing suit.  After unpacking our stuff we smartened up and headed to Chill Bar for happy hour.

Then walked over to Blaze Pizza for dinner.  A woman I'd talked to on the plane (we later decided she looked like a Kathy so we called her Kathy the entire week) recommend Blaze pizza and we were not disappointed.  Mine was possibly the best pizza I've ever eaten.  The concept is that you can pick from their multitude of toppings to create your own custom pizza.  We liked them a lot!  Then we walked around a little before heading back to the house.  We sat outside in the backyard for a while with the pool and spa lights on and talked and listened to music.  Despite it being 1am our time, we stayed up until 10pm local time to try and get on track.

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