Friday, October 12, 2018

Getting ready

Tonight Spouse & I are leaving to drive to his sister's house in northern VA.  We'll have a brief visit, go to bed, and then our nephew will take us to the airport tomorrow morning.  We have a plane change in Chicago, then will arrive in Palm Springs about 2:30 local time.  We're very excited!

But there's still lots to do.  Spouse & I both have to pack, but fortunately we don't need any fancy clothes or shoes since Palm Springs is a warm, casual environment. I'm taking even less clothes than last time.

I have to make sure I have the dog sitter's money and instructions ready.

I need to check-in for the flights.

I need to make sure the guest bedroom and bathroom are tidied up since we had guests last weekend.

I need to empty the recycling into the bin in the garage so it can be picked up while we're away.

I need to strip our bed so clean sheets can be put on when the housekeepers come next week.


A joke among realtors is if you want to increase your business, plan a vacation.  This is always true for me.  Clients and prospects seem to crawl out of the woodwork the week before I go on vacation, so this week has been busy doing as much as I can to tie up loose ends AND get assistance from my colleagues in covering appointments for me this weekend.

Fortunately it will all be worth it to spend a fun week in Palm Springs.


  1. Love Palm Springs!

  2. safe travels to you!
    I am looking forward to my own Palm Springs weekend next month.


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