Monday, February 26, 2018

Vacation: Wed & Thurs

Wed evening after dinner Spouse went upstairs to begin selecting the clothes he wanted to take on our trip, although we thought we had another full day before we'd be leaving.  I was cleaning up from dinner and loading the dishwasher when I got a text from The Newlyweds: "Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!"  I began typing my response: "You mean Fri", but before tapping 'send', I thought I'd better double-check our itinerary.

When I did, my heart sank.  I thought we were staying overnight at a hotel near the airport on Thurs night and flying out Fri morning, but my itinerary showed we were scheduled to stay at the hotel THAT NIGHT and fly out THE NEXT MORNING!

It was 6:30pm and we hadn't packed anything, plus we had a 2+ hour drive to the hotel near the airport.  I walked up the stairs and said to Spouse "Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me" and then explained my mistake.  He was not pleased but what were we going to do?

I started by logging onto the airline's website to check in for our flight.  Then I called the dog sitter/house sitter, explained my mistake and asked if she could come a day earlier.  Fortunately she could.  Then I joined Spouse upstairs to pack.  Miraculously we were loaded into the car by 8:00pm.

We arrived at the hotel and I showed my confirmation (on my phone) to the front desk clerk but it didn't come up in her computer.  After searching by the confirmation number, my name, and who knows what else, she finally called someone for help.  After about 20 minutes she finally gave us a key to a room.  When we walked in there were no sheets, pillows, blankets or pillows so we went back down to see the clerk.  She sent us to another room and as we walked in I saw luggage on the floor and heard someone inside yell "Wait!!"  We went back to the clerk who apologized, offered us an upgraded room, and sent us to a 3rd room.  The 3rd time was the charm.

The next day our flight was completely full. 
Plane selfie
Spouse had the isle seat, I was in the middle, and a man who must have been 7' tall had the window seat.  Needless to say we had no extra room to spread out, but then again, its what we expected.  We're aware that flying is typically uncomfortable but necessary if you want to get somewhere far away and/or quickly.  We arrived at LAX, caught a shuttle to the car rental lot, and shortly thereafter drove off in this:

Spouse was happy that the front seat had lots of room for his 'ample' body.  I was happy that it was red.  Finally we were off to Palm Springs!

The Newlyweds had already checked into our MisterB&B rental when we arrived around 4:00.  We hung out by the pool and talked for a while, then went for drinks at Chill Bar.  In the back bar area a charity event was going on that was hosted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence so we decided to check it out.  A date with this bootilicous beau was being auctioned:
He had a very muscular upper body too, but my photo didn't really capture it.  But that butt!!!  Afterward we went to an arts and crafts street fair, then had a late dinner at Bongo Johnny's.  Once back at the house we enjoyed soaking in the hot tub before going to bed.  

I was happy we weren't yawning while out on the town, since CA is 3 hours behind DE.  We managed to stay up until almost midnight local time, and wake up at a reasonable local time too.

1 comment:

  1. DAYUM! that's a nice ass; could be mistress maddie's (if I didn't know better)...


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