Friday, January 01, 2016

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve was a lot of fun!
John & Marty

My happy husband

Thad & Steven, who will never pose for a photo so I always have to sneak a candid one.

Yours truly in complimentary hat, glasses, and beads!

All the accoutrements of a festive New Year's Eve celebration

Just after midnight
 We went to bed at 1am so we slept in the next morning until 10:15.  I was surprised our little doggies didn't make us get up earlier to take them out!  We met up with Steven & Thad for brunch at the Crystal where our favorite server was wearing a festive New Year's hat with sequins and blinking lights!
Pau Pau
Not sure what else New Year's Day will hold for us, but I'm guessing there will be a lot of relaxing.  I wish much happiness, health, and prosperity to all of you in 2016.


  1. such fabulous chapeaus and beaus!

  2. Looks like a fun beach blow out of the old year. 10:15!!!!! Is that not late for you guys??? Sleeping in like that is a great luxury to me. I love when that happens.

  3. such cute boyz at dos locos! I'm sure the dear cajun was also watching the festivities whilst sipping a martini or two!

  4. Looks like everyone had a great time by the great smiles captured on their faces!!
    Have a happy and healthy New Year!!

  5. Happy New Year to you as well.

  6. A very Happy New Year to you and Spouse


  7. Happy New Year, man! :)


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