Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Promised pics

In a couple of my earlier posts I promised pics from the tree trimming party and my birthday.

The tree trimming party was a lot of fun!  About 15 friends came and had a little something to eat and drink and then helped us hang all the ornaments.  Spouse made (warm) artichoke dip, (warm) buffalo chicken dip, both served with crackers and carrots and celery.  Spouse also made mac 'n cheese and a crockpot of saucy meatballs, served with rolls.  I made milk chocolate chip brownies and white chocolate chip brownies, and we also served several types of cookies we bought.  And there was a decorated birthday cake as if we didn't have enough sweets.
2015 Christmas tree
Yes, I know the topper is crooked.  About 1/2 of those in attendance tried to straighten the topper but it always seemed to lean to the left, to the right, to the front, or to the back.  Imagine all the sophomoric jokes told about how even our Christmas tree wasn't straight!

While in Montreal in Oct we stopped in a Christmas store and bought a Chihuahua ornament for the tree.  I was excited to see it once it was placed on the tree by 1 of our friends.
Purchased in Montreal
A couple friends asked if I was going to rearrange the ornaments to my taste after everyone left.  Absolutely not!!  The whole idea of a tree trimming party is that the tree looks different every year because friends place the ornaments on it and I leave them alone.  Its a fun tradition for us.

Mon was my actual birthday but Spouse had his personal trainer appointment and my team at work had its Christmas cocktail party and secret Santa gift exchange, so Spouse & I planned to go out to dinner for my birthday on Tues.  I picked dinner at the award winning Blue Moon restaurant, which is adjacent to the bar/nightclub where I perform.  I had an AMAZING beef short rib with white cheddar grits and grilled veggies.  SOOO delicious.  Spouse had a wonderful butternut squash soup and rock fish.  Because it was my birthday we were treated to a complimentary wedge of Moon Pie.
Infamous (Blue) Moon Pie
Chocolate, coffee, caramel... INCREDIBLE!  This hunk of pie was so big that Spouse & I shared it and still couldn't finish the entire thing.  If you ever have the opportunity for a nice dinner in Rehoboth Beach, dine at Blue Moon.  Reservations recommended.  We had a lovely night out, just the 2 of us.


  1. Fabulous tree, and I love the new ornament!

    And that cake? Oy, I am not a dessert fan but that could make me switch ... for a while anyway.

  2. I presume you must have bought the ornament at Noel Éternel in Old Montreal near the Notre-Dame basilica

  3. LOVE the puppy ornament! and the tree looks pretty!

    please to be sharing spouse's mac-n-cheese recipe?

  4. Lovely tree and deco!!!

  5. dear me that dessert!


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