Monday, June 15, 2015

Wank for health

Did you hear that a seminal study found that the more often men ejaculated, the less likely they were to get prostate cancer?  The original study done in 2004 was confirmed by a recent study with the same findings.  And it doesn't matter if you're accompanied or solo, the more ejaculations the better for your health! Check out the complete article HERE.

I don't know about you, but I do NOT want prostate cancer.  Fortunately now I know what to do to reduce my risk!


  1. Well, i guess I'm safe.

    Now, if you'll excuse me ......

  2. self-love is GREAT! but I don't have a PROSTATE!

    (does it still count?)

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I learned of this a long time ago. It made sense to me - for example if I don't ejaculate for a few days the issue gets sort of thick, gloppy and yellowish. So for good flow - you gotta get em' out regularly.

  4. It's a good thing I wank daily.

  5. Wank for pleasure and for your health! Wow, when was the last time something that fun turned out to be good for you? Like NEVER!


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