Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shades of blue

On Sun Spouse & I went to the beach.  It was 1 of those 'perfect' beach days:  warm, sunny, moderate humidity, and a gentle breeze.  Its not always like this.  Some days we sweat our asses off, and other days the wind threatens to turn our umbrellas into missiles.  On Sun thought it was pretty scrumptious.

I couldn't help but capture the day:
I love the way the blue of my chair, the blue of my sunglasses, and the blue of the ocean and sky as reflected in my sunglasses all came together in this photo.


  1. you look FABULOUS! :)

    got a date for tonight?

  2. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Looks & sounds like good times! (someone must like the color blue)


  3. I like the reflection of your arm and the phone in the sunglasses, and your knees too!

  4. Great photo! And you look divine!


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