Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Today was mine & Spouse's last day of work this week.  We're leaving tomorrow for a 'long weekend' trip to Vancouver, BC for Spouse's 50th birthday.  You may recall back in Dec when Spouse & I went for a 'long weekend' trip to Paris for my 50th birthday.

This evening we planned what clothes we wanted to take, folded and packed them in our carry-on bags, and gathered our TSA-approved toiletries.  We'll wait til tomorrow to pack those since we will use some of the items in the morning.

Tomorrow morning we'll drive to Spouse's mom's house outside of DC and visit with her for a bit.  Then Spouse's brother will drive us to the airport where we'll fly to Seattle, WA.  We'll stay overnight and spend about 1/2 of Fri sightseeing in Seattle.  The Newlyweds will join us in Seattle and the 4 of us will drive to Vancouver, BC sometime Fri evening.  It should be a great trip!  

We return to DE very late Mon night.  More details next week.


  1. I am mad-jealous for I love Vancouver.
    have a good trip!

  2. I have been to vancouver and loved it! make sure you visit the gastown section with its steam-powered clock!

  3. oh, and happy 50th to spouse! you have only just begun to live (if I may quote an old song here)!

  4. HAPPY 50th to tour Hubby!!! Sounds like an amazing trip... I can't wait to hear all about it.

  5. Seattle and Vancouver are gorgeous!

    Bellingham, too, which is on the way up to BC.

    Have a fabulous time and Happy Birthday Spouse!!

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Sounds like a wonderful trip!

    Peace <3

  7. Happy Birthday to the spouse! Have a wonderful trip!!!!


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