Monday, March 24, 2014

Weekend redux

On Sat morning we drove back to the DC area, stopping 1st at Spouse's mom's house for a visit and to change our clothes, and then we went to the wedding reception of our good friends Ron & James.  Since the District of Columbia has marriage equality, they actually got married on the steps of the Lincoln monument a few days earlier (on their actual 26th anniversary), but had their reception at their home in Virginia which does not have marriage equality yet.  
James & Ron eating wedding cake
The weather was very pleasant so they had the windows and doors open so the breeze could blow in and people could spill out into their back yard.  Their was food and drinks, of course, and many old friends we'd known from our former days as members of a very progressive and inclusive Presbyterian church where we met Ron & James.  It was a lovely afternoon of smiles and joy.

Afterward we returned to Spouse's mom's house, changed our clothes again, and then drove to visit our other dear friends Kerry & Hugh.  For the past 8 months they have been restoring an early 1900s Victorian home that sits just 2 doors down from their own home.  The home had been abandoned and was in very poor shape, to the point that the City was about an inch away from condemning the home and destroying it.  Kerry & Hugh couldn't stand the thought of this historic home being demolished so they formed a small partnership with a neighbor and a relative and quickly purchased the home 8 months ago, which a strict timeline from the City on getting its dangerous porch and steps repaired.  
The Prescott House 8 months ago
 After shoring up the home to comply with the City, they began the huge job or making the home beautiful and livable again.  They've replaced all the plumbing and wiring, converted it from a 4 bedroom 1 bath into a 3 bedroom 2 bath, added central air and heat, and were installing the new kitchen when we arrived.  We'd seen photos of the home and were eager to see it in person.  Though the inside isn't quite finished, we got a very good idea of how it will look once complete.  
The Prescott House 8 months later
Its been a true labor of love for them.  They are hopeful that it will all be worthwhile when they sell the home to someone who appreciates the character and charm of a grand home like this.  After the home tour, the 4 of us were joined by several mutual friends for dinner.  After dinner we stopped in to see Bob & Harriet's house, which is across the street from the one under renovation.  It was great to see our friends and their hard work!

The next morning Spouse & I went out to breakfast with his mom, sister, and nephew, then packed up and headed home.  We ordered pizza delivery for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. I wondered where you two have been! I missed you at the blogger meetup dinner.

    that old home is going to look like a palace when your friends are finished with the renovations!


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