Monday, March 03, 2014

Snow day

All weekend long we heard the widely differing reports about the impending snow storm Titan.

2-4 inches.  4-8 inches.  10-14 inches.  Seriously, the estimates were all over the place.  This was apparently because the storm was wide but not tall, and was moving west to east, so if it dropped down a little more or less, our snow fall could be very different.

Then it was all about when the snow would start.

Between 6-9pm.  Between 9pm to midnight.  Then it was 2-3am.

Well, it started raining last evening, and then when it got colder it turned to sleet, all before midnight.  It didn't start snowing until about 6am this morning.

But the schools and even the state government were so sure we were going to get blasted by a huge snow storm that they announced Monday school and state government closings last night - before a single flake had fallen.  Even my real estate office was closed today.

The snow has all but stopped now, and its about 4pm.  Its hard to tell how much snow we really got because of the wind.  In some places I can see grass while in others there are drifts about a foot deep.  My best guess we got about 4-5 inches of snow.

But it was fun to have a good old fashioned snow day at home.  Spouse & I stayed in our flannel pajama pants all day and watched TV, spent time on our computers, played with Marvin, ate, and just relaxed.  The most strenuous thing I did was shovel a patch of grass near the front sidewalk on which Marvin could 'do his business'.


  1. What a beautiful pic... I love your house.

  2. @MAC - this house belongs in "house beautiful" magazine! I have been inside; it has a kitchen I would die for! and it's SO tastefully decorated too!

    we got 1 inch (of snow) up here; no snow day for us. :(

  3. The only snow days we get are when it's -50 wind chill....

  4. Sounds like a nice day! Beautiful house!


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