Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Film Festival time

Its that time of year when I get really excited about the Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival which starts tonight!

This independent film festival is put on by our local film society and is sponsored in part by a grant from the DE Division of the Arts and advertising by local businesses.  Film screenings begin this evening and run through Sunday evening.  I've scheduled myself off work for the next 4 days to enjoy as many films as I can.

I love independent films because they are not made to appeal to the mass media or to make tons of money (a la Disney films).  They are made to tell stories; stories that don't always end happily, stories of people you may see but not notice, and stories where the 'good guy' doesn't always win.  They're often unpredictable, heart-wrenching, tender, touching, funny, sad, and memorable.  Although not a necessity, this festival's selections are always particularly relatable to me because they have lots of LGBT-themed films.

As I've done in the past, I will endeavor to see as many films as I can squeeze into the 4 1/2 days and will provide you with a synopsis of the films I've seen the day after I see them.  Some of them may become available at an 'art house' theatre if you live in a city that has one, while others may become available on Netflix in the future.

Curious to see if some films from past festivals are available now on Netflix?  Click on the tag 'RB Indie Film Festival' at the bottom of this post to see my synopsis of several previous years, and then type the film titles into the search bar on the Netflix site.

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