Monday, July 29, 2013


Sat was Spouse's sister-in-law Karen's 50th birthday.  Her husband (Spouse's brother) Louis planned a huge surprise party for her at a banquet hall on Sun, but to keep it a surprise and to keep her from being suspicious, he also planned a smaller party at home for Sat night.  We referred to that smaller party as her "fake" birthday party.

To get her to the real party, her husband enlisted the assistance of his sister, Mary who mailed Karen & Louis and invitation to a birthday party for Mary's daughter, Anna.  So Karen thought she was going to the banquet hall for Anna's splashy 21st birthday party.

Spouse & I drove to VA Sun morning and visited with his mother for a while, then we picked up my aunt Mary and met the others at the banquet hall.  When Karen came in and everyone shouted "Surprise!!!" she didn't understand right away what was going on.  She thought that we'd all expected Anna to walk in the door.  But within a few seconds she began to recognize her friends, neighbors, and friends from work that would have no reason to be at a party for Anna.  She was completely surprised.

There was a buffet, music, slide show, and a magnificent cake in the shape of a purse:
Karen loves shoes, purses, and fashion so this cake was right up her alley.

We had a really nice time at her party and I'm sure she will remember it for years to come.

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