Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy birthday Spouse!!

Today is Spouse's birthday.  Since I am 8 months older than him, today he joins me in being 48 and we'll be "the same age" for the next 4 months.

I planned several ways to celebrate his birthday today.  The 1st one he actually received yesterday when he got home from work.  You see, Spouse hates to fold and put away clean laundry.  He will wash and dry clothes and then pick what he wants to wear out of baskets for weeks.  So as a 'gift' to him, yesterday I spent 2 1/2 hours folding and putting away 6 baskets of his laundry, including matching up socks.  At 1st he didn't see this as much of a 'gift' but then I explained how long it took and that I did it on my day off of work; then he thanked me.

His next 'gift' was a gift card to the Calvin Klein factory store.  He likes that store now that he's lost weight and can actually wear clothes from it.  I put the card next to his cell phone before I went to bed last night so he would find it this morning.

A florist will deliver an arrangement of flowers to him at work today.  He loves flowers and I think its 'special' to have them delivered to his office where his colleagues will share in celebrating his birthday.

This evening we are meeting several of our friends for happy hour at Saketumi, then Spouse & I are going to dinner at a new, chic restaurant and lounge called Ivy.  It backs to a fabulous view of the bay which should provide a lovely backdrop to our celebratory dinner.

Here is a photo of Spouse that I've always liked, taken in 2003 in Alaska.


  1. squeeeeeeeeeeeeee! happy birthday honey spouse! the best is yet to be!

    and I am so damn jealous of all y'all getting together at saketumi!

    smooches and hugs and love to spouse!

  2. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Happy birthday to your spouse!

    The laundry thing is cute!


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