Monday, June 04, 2012

Weekend highlights

Since I worked both Sat & Sun I didn't do much else this weekend.

However, I did debut my Elton John impersonation at the Legends show!

Steven & Thad came to the show, and our friends Marty & John were there and took these photos.

The show went really well!  I really got into the character and songs and had a great time.  After the show several people told me they enjoyed the show and that I did a great job.  A bachelorette party asked me to be in their photos too.  It was a fun night.


  1. anne marie in philly1:30 AM

    OMG, the whole nine yards! what songs did you sing?

  2. anne marie in philly1:33 AM

    HERP-A-DERP! didn't read a previous thread; sorry about that, chief!

    just ignore the above comment! :-b


Go ahead! What are you waiting for? Comment already.