Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition has been in my area this week. I happen to know the recipient of the home makeover and I can't think of anyone more deserving. Mrs. Dale Dunning began her 'Jusst Sooup Ministry' several years ago using funds from her part-time job and her husband's full-time job. She made a brief appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show a couple years ago. Over the years they have gotten donations and grants and despite her ministry's name, her services have expanded to more than just soup. She also provides groceries and toiletries to those in need, and occasionally arranges for temporary housing for some who become homeless. If anyone is truly doing 'God's work', its her! Check out this great article.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Tuesday's earthquake has already turned into a joke:

As if Tuesday's earthquake wasn't enough, we are now bracing for a full-on hit from hurricane Irene. We don't normally get hurricanes here; usually nor'easters. But according to the projected hurricane path we are in for heavy rain, flooding, and damaging winds up to 130 mph late Sat night into Sun. When I got home from work yesterday Spouse & I brought in all of our porch furniture (from both porches), then joined Steven & Thad to take in the yard furniture at 1 of the Bobs'. He fell and broke his wrist earlier this week so we gave him a hand. At the office our broker said we'll close early tomorrow when the rain and wind start up and we'll be closed all day on Sun when the worst is upon us. The Governor declared a state of emergency and ordered mandatory evacuation of the areas within 3/4 mile of the coast. I think we are staying put.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. anne marie in philly12:29 PM

    cripes, when I saw about the tornado in your area...

    all is well here at 12:30p sunday. we have power, and the rain has stopped. we are alive.

    please post so we know you're ok.


Go ahead! What are you waiting for? Comment already.