Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend highlights

We skipped Fri night dinner and headed to Spouse's mom's house in VA. We encountered a pretty wicked storm on the way to VA. Lots and lots of lightening followed by torrential downpours. When we arrived the electricity was off at Spouse's mom's house. She had ordered a pizza so the 3 of us could eat it together when we arrived at 9pm. Unfortunately, Spouse did not share with her his dislike for peppers, black olives, and onions on pizza so that is exactly what his mom ordered! That'll teach him to be more specific. The power came back on and his sister and her kids came over for a visit.

We had a leisurely morning before meeting our realtor Betsy at 11:00 to see 3 condos. One was a no-go; the other 2 were very promising, although very different. One needs a full renovation, but was priced low enough that we could afford to do it. The other was larger, completely renovated and move-in ready, but was priced a little above our budget. Betsy told us later that the renovated one already has several contracts, so we would need to offer more than the asking price to get it. The fixer-upper had no contracts so we decided to make an offer on it. We're crossing our fingers. Afterward we had a light lunch with Spouse's mom and took a short nap. Later that evening we went to Spouse's brother's 50th birthday party at his house. His wife ordered food from Famous Dave's BBQ and a birthday cake. Rather than birthday gifts, he requested donations for the Humane Society. We had a nice time. Afterward Spouse's sister and her family returned to his mom's house and we visited for a while.

After returning to DE on Sun Spouse & I made a blueberry/strawberry cobbler to take for dessert at Steven & Thad's. They invited us for dinner, along with Thad's sister, nephew and his wife, and Thad's mother Roma whom we'd been anxious to meet. Although she lives in PA, Thad is very involved with his 83 year old mother's care and well-being. He talks about her a lot so we were happy to meet her. As we expected, she was a doll. Once back at home, we fed and walked Jordan and watched TV until bed time.

Crush du Jour: Gary Shaw


  1. anne marie in philly5:36 PM

    ummmmmm, me likey the crushy...manly man...reminds me of a young richard burton (the actor).

  2. Kudos to Spouse's brother for asking for donations to the Humane Society!!

  3. You may be buying a condo in VA? Did I miss something? How far from DC?


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