Monday, February 01, 2010

Weekend highlights

Fri afternoon Spouse & I tidied up the house and prepared to host 'the usual suspects' for a birthday dinner here at our house. Spouse made homemade ziti with meat sauce and homemade apple cakes, and the guys brought salad and bread. We had a lovely time celebrating Ted, Rick & Nick's birthdays.

Sat it began to snow around 10:30 AM and didn't stop until some time after midnight. The prediction for our area was "snow showers with a possible accumulation of 1-2 inches". We actually got about 7-8 inches, which is rather unusual. The air over the ocean is warmer than the air over the land, so we don't normally get more than an inch or 2. It was quite windy too, so the snow drifted in several places. Next to the garage you could see the grass poking out of the snow, while next to the driveway there was a drift about 2 feet deep. It was a great day to just stay inside and relax, which is exactly what we did. Spouse took a big nap (since he has a cold) and I watched TV and spent some time on the computer. Lots of HGTV shows and the Mecum Auto Auction.

Around 5:00 I decided to go for a walk in the snow. It was still coming down like mad. I bundled up (including ski goggles to keep the snow and wind out of my eyes) and walked around the neighborhood. It was eerily quiet but oh-so beautiful. Once back inside I slipped back into my flannel PJ pants, heated up left-over ziti for our dinner, and watched more TV and chatted with friends on Facebook.

Sun we met Steven & Thad for brunch at the Long Neck Diner. It was our 1st time eating breakfast there and we were impressed. On the way home we stopped at the grocery store, then returned home where Spouse enjoyed a nap. His cold really seemed to kick into high gear on Sun and he felt lousy, so he stayed home while I went to Steven & Thad's to have chili and salad for dinner and watch the Grammys. I thought Elton John & Lady GaGa's mash-up was great as the opening!

It was a nice, relaxing snow weekend!

Crush du Jour: Joao Caneco


  1. I am totally crushing on Joao Caneco!

  2. Showing us a pic of snow on the beach? Are you trying to freak us out?! Now I'll have to stare at the lovely Joao for a long while to calm down.

  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Isn't HGTV the best for passing time!! I'm so in love with Scott (Income Property) and David (Color Splash).

  4. HGTV and The Food Network rule!
    Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I love seeing snow on the beach. I'm jealous!

  5. It looks like that head was totally photoshopped onto that model's body.


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