Wednesday, February 03, 2010


I mentioned in Monday's post that Spouse has been sick with a cold since Sat. He stayed home from work on Mon because he had a fever, went to work for 1/2 day on Tues, and is home again today. He's taking over-the-counter cold medicine, vitamin C tabs, and ibuprofen.

This morning I woke up with symptoms of a cold, too. Oh joy. Hopefully they're just 'sympathy symptoms' and I won't wind up with a full-blown cold.

We are scheduled to have houseguests this weekend. I'm going to let them know we've both been sick, but I doubt they will want to reschedule since the purpose of the visit was to participate in the Polar Bear Plunge on Sun. Hopefully we'll both feel better by Fri.

Crush du Jour: Ricky Parks


  1. My question is, if you do get a fullblown cold, is it considered an STD?

    Ricky Parks can give me anything he wants. Grrr! Where DO you find these gorgeous men?

  2. Take "Airborne"! I'm convinced it helps when whenever I start showing signs of a cold.

  3. chicken soup and lots of it

  4. I think once Dr Ricky slips out of his, er, scrubs, you'll be feeling much better!

    Until then:

  5. also mention shelley winters in the poseidon adventure and I can talk all night!!!

  6. Take plenty of pics at the Polar Bear Plunge. I like watching insane people do crazy things.

  7. OMG I was so sick Im all brand new again! ZYCAM is a the best thing ever it killed it!

  8. anne marie in philly9:18 PM

    the face ain't nothing to look at, but the furry bod on the crush is somethin somethin! AND he goes commando! my kinda guy!

  9. Hope you didn't get the full-blown cold! I'm (hopefully!) on the tail end of my second bad cold of the season. I usually never get colds, but this year I've had 2. It completely sux!

  10. Ricky is hot and looks like he's bursting from what seem to be shorts!

    Oh yeah - I hope you both get to feeling better!


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