Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday fragments

Welcome to Friday fragments, my weekly recap of topics too big to forget, yet too small to be their own post.

Here's a great video I swiped from Sean's blog. Its clever and sexy at the same time, an irresistible combination in my opinion. Enjoy!

I have been rather vocal in real life and on this blog about people talking and texting while driving. Its dangerous and should be outlawed in every state. So you can imagine my joy when I received this cartoon in an email from a friend!
Brilliant, no?

I can always count on Bob and his blog to keep me up-to-date. Thanks to Bob, I learned that the writers and reporters laid off Mon from the Washington Blade have started a new GLBT newspaper called The Agenda. A limited edition is available at newsstands in the metro DC area today! Since the staff is currently working as volunteers, please consider assisting with the cost of printing, etc by 'buying a brick'. Our issues, told by our voices.

Another friend sent me this little ditty.

Spouse & I have no social plans this weekend (did I just hear an audible gasp?) so we are going to begin preparations for Thanksgiving. Only his mom and 1 brother and his wife are coming this year so it will be our smallest Thanksgiving ever. They're coming Thur morning and leaving sometime Fri. This is fine with me, as I am envisioning a quieter holiday followed by the weekend without overnight guests. This weekend we will get the house ready and buy all the Thanksgiving food.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Crush du Jour: Timothy Mandala


  1. Hey there. Love the variety you've got on offer here -- always worth stopping by. :-)
    And any particular criteria according to which you select your "crush du jour" men? Great taste(s)!

  2. The video clip was cute (LOVED the bear!). As always, you're a delight to read, my friend. Enjoy your semi-quiet weekend. Behr Hugs!

  3. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Hope you have a great weekend too!!

  4. We're having a small Thanksgiving, too. Just four of us, and I am so looking forward to it. A nice mellow day.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Will Tim there be on your dinner menu? If yes, I'll be there!


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