Thursday, May 28, 2009

Final preparations

This morning Spouse dropped off Jordan at the animal hotel. We had breakfast, and are now finishing packing our bags. Then leave at 10:30 for NYC!!

We are taking the BoltBus again, since it is so economical and we had such a good experience with it last time. We are staying with our friend Lisa again in Sunnyside, since she's one of our favorite people in the world, let alone NYC.

We're not planning to see any Broadway shows this time. The tickets are all pretty expensive, and Spouse is practically tortured by the tiny, narrow seats and lack of legroom. He's not a twink, afterall. But we are planning to spend time in Central Park, which should be gorgeous at this time of year, as well as do a lot of socializing.

David Dust is planning an 'Old School' West Village bar tour (crawl?) on Saturday night. We will be meeting up at a 'historic' gay bar called Pieces at 9:00. We'll have a drink and then move onto the next bar. (The idea is to have just one drink in each bar and keep moving.) Some of the tentative bars may include Stonewall, Monster, and Marie's Crisis, but who knows for sure! Several other bloggers from out of state will be there, along with partners/dates/friends, so if you live or are going to be in NYC this Sat night, consider joining us at Pieces around 9:00.

Its going to be legendary!

Crush du Jour: Sean Lamont


  1. It WILL be legendary ... too bad I probably won't remember it!

    See ya tomorrow!!


  2. BTW - Pieces isn't really "historic", but it WILL be after Saturday!


  3. Have a fabulous time!

    "I like New York in June (or late May)

    how about you...."

    I love that song.

  4. Has it REALLY been a year since you did your last trip there? Wow....I can't believe it! Have a great weekend, boys. The street should be finished by the time you return.

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    wish i could be there! when you're at stonewall, sneak in an extra cocktail for me! preferably something pink!

  6. Oh, how I wish I were in The City and could join you! Hope you have a blast!!

  7. What a neat idea to only have one drink in each bar. Have fun.

  8. Can't wait to get there and meet you!

  9. I have to agree Sean Lamont is certainly one of my favourites (what with him being a fellow Scot. Well, with Scottish ancestry)!



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