Thursday, April 16, 2009

Marriage news

Will NY be the next state to institute marriage equality?

Gov. Paterson to introduce gay marriage bill to NY state legislature this week

ALBANY - Gov. Paterson will introduce a bill to legalize gay marriage Thursday despite strong opposition in the state Senate.

"I think it is - as some other states are showing - the only ethical way to treat the people who want to live together in peace under the civil law," Paterson said on Long Island Tuesday.

The measure revives legislation that died in 2007.

Despite a slim Democratic majority in the Senate, the bill faces an uphill battle. Republicans and several Democrats oppose it.

Paterson told upstate radio stations last week that he wanted the Senate to vote on the gay marriage bill regardless of whether it had the votes to pass.

Read the entire article here.

In other marriage news, have you heard about the 16-year old British girl, Miss Quinn, whose parents paid about $200,000. (US) for her over-the-top wedding? I have not been able to substantiate this story other than here (which appears to be the British online equivalent to the Inquirer or Star) and a few blogs, but its just too precious not to share.

Apparently Missy has dreamt of a big wedding since she can remember, which might not be a lot given the fact that she stopped going to school when she was 9 years old and never had to memorize stuff like the rest of us. The couple met when she was 13 and he was 14, but wanting to do the right thing, they waited until 6 days after her 16th birthday to get married.

Apparently her father, a driveway paver who lives in a trailer, said yes to all of Missy's wedding dreams, including this $32,000. (US) Swarovski crystal encrusted wedding 'gown'. Notice that her navel ring matches her earrings. Now that's classy!
The train of her wedding 'gown' was 10 feet wide, requiring several people to assist in getting Missy and her 'gown' out of the Rolls-Royce Phantom limo that brought her to the church. In the photo below you can see Missy's mom on the left, helping her out of the limo. She appears to be wearing a shimmery mermaid skirt with matching bikini top. Like I said, this is one classy family!
And aren't these bridesmaids simply a vision??? And in the photo below, that's not just your average run-of-the-mill bridal bouquet she's holding. Oh no, not for classy Missy. Its a 'faux-quet' (I made that word up - ya like it?) made up of crystals which cost $100,000. (US). That's right, $100,000. (US) for a crystal bouquet she'll hold for a couple of hours on one day.
To put it into perspective, the bride's parents gave them a $36,000. (US) trailer as a wedding gift, to live in once they were married, but spent $200,000. (US) on the wedding. Apparently you just can't put a price tag on foolish.

Who wants to bet me they'll be separated or divorced within 2 years?
And finally, thanks to Bob for sharing this terrific video that reveals the lies and the truth regarding gay marriage and religious freedom. This makes so much sense, so pass it on!

Crush du Jour: Jay Brannan


  1. Seems like a wave of people doing the right thing is happening right matter the outcome, we all need to stand up and be counted and speak up.

  2. Now there goes that whole "sanctity of marriage" thing again.
    Straight folks can turn it into a circus, but don't let the gay ones have it.

  3. Oye, what a sight! I wonder how many blue tulles died to make those hideous bridesmaids dresses?

  4. Evidently money can't buy taste.

  5. It is a wonder the parents had money left over to pay for the wedding; the mother's boob job must have cost a bomb.

  6. Wow! We aren't the only ones to have trailer trash! I'm speechless!


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