Friday, June 06, 2008

End of week wrap up

I went back to work this morning at 9:00, after saying goodbye to Spouse's mother, brother, and sister-in-law. It actually felt good to get back to my work routine.

Spouse & I had a nice time with his mother, Evelyn on Tues afternoon, Wed, and Thurs. We did a little shopping and site seeing (sorta), and had a lot of laughs. But as I've mentioned before, time with Evelyn also means some frustration.

At least twice on each of the 3 days she was here she obsessed over the doors being locked.

Then there was the 101th time she repeated the same stories. Once I tried to gently interupt her by saying "Yeah, I remember you telling me this before" in a very nice way, but without missing a beat she replied "Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna tell you again." And she did.

Wed night she had a taste for fried clams, so we had to leave a restaurant after being seated and reviewing the menu because they didn't have fried clams. Then at the 2nd restaurant where they did have fried clams, she decided she wanted crab cakes after all. Yeeeeaaaaah. You get the picture.

But all in all we had a nice visit. I have to remind myself that someday I, too, will be 78 years old. If I'm lucky.

The call with my boss on Tues left me quite possibly more confused than clarified. As is often the case in business, the conversation started with him telling me that the scope and direction of the new position had already changed since we'd talked on Fri. Then, as he mentioned a specific task as an example, I understood that at least 1/2 of my prepared questions were no longer relevant and the remaining ones would be impossible for him to answer.

But I agreed to begin working on the specs of the new department, which we will review together on Wed of next week. Hopefully I won't wind up regretting this. I'm hoping that I can use my process implimentation experience to map out the way things should be and then get the necessary buy-in to make it so.
Hopefully my boss will like my ideas. Hopefully I won't be compelled to shout "Well, the f*ck you, and figure it out yourself!" That probably wouldn't be a good career move.

Tonight we're not having dinner with 'the usual suspects' because everyone seems to be busy. Only 1 person RSVP'd that they were coming, so I cancelled it. Spouse & I will have a nice, relaxing dinner together tonight, after having dinner with family the last 4 nights.

Tomorrow we are going to a fundraiser/barbecue for the candidate I hope will be our next Mayor. There will be 2 or 3 bands, a few speeches, and free food so we should have a good time with the rest of the gays. Later that evening we're going to a birthday party with more gays. Sun we'll do a little housework, go grocery shopping, and go to the beach with Rick & Nick, who are gay. In the words of the Flintstones theme song "We'll have a gay ol' time!"

Crush du Jour: Steve Richard Harris

1 comment:

  1. You sound like a very patient man. Your sweetie is lucky to have a fella like you. After the week's drama, I think dining in was a good idea.


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