Sunday, January 13, 2008

My girl Niecy

I loves me some Niecy Nash! Known for her signature flower behind the ear, I first began to appreciate Niecy's clever comments on the show "Clean House". When Niecy and her team enter the home owners cluttered, filthy home she uses terms like "foolishness" and "mayhem" to describe the conditions in which these people live. I love it! She tells them straight up that its foolishness to live like that. And who uses the word mayhem anymore? I love it!

I also like the way she calls the female home owner "Girl" and refers to her small daughter as "Little Mama". I don't know how she does it, be she manages to use slang without sounding ghetto. No, no, no, no - Nicey Nash is NOT ghetto!

One of the organizational specialists brought in to organize the stuff they aren't selling at the yard sale or donating to charity is named Linda Coopersmith. When Niecy talks about the great job Linda has done, she refers to it as "the Linda Coopersmith of it all". I just find Niecy to be so entertaining in this show!

But her 'entertaining' doesn't stop there. Niecy is also one of the stars of the TV show "Reno 911", a hilarious spoof on the show "Cops". Set in the fictitious and dysfunctional Reno Sheriff's department, Niecy plays Deputy Raineesha Williams who is so appearance-obsessed that when her squad car goes up in flames she replies "Damn! My make-up was in there."

The TV show spawned the film entitled "Reno 911: Miami", where the the gang has to take over for the entire Miami police dept who are quarantined due to a possible chemical incident. In one scene Raineesha and Trudy are patrolling the beach in swimsuits. Niecy's butt and legs were given prosthetic enhancements to make her appear more 'booty-licious' (below).

I think she's a beautiful, funny, clever actress and hope to see her popping up in more projects. Can we get a little love for Niecy Nash?

Crush du Jour: Marco Dapper


  1. I can one-up you.

    I use "tomfoolery" on a near daily basis.

  2. the best part of that movie was that beach scene

    prosthetic? as if!

  3. LOVE Nicey!!!...The HUNK is indeed a flippin major HUNK! Good taste my friend....

  4. I'm all over Marco Dapper!


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