Monday, March 26, 2018

Love, Simon

Yesterday Spouse & I went to see "Love, Simon".  In case you're not familiar with the film, you can watch the trailer here:

Simon is a closeted, gay 17-year old who begins an online conversation with another closeted young man from his school.  Neither knows each others' identities until Simon gets outed by another student at school.  In an email Simon tries to convince his friend to meet in person and reveal his identity but his friend is unwilling to do so.  As Simon suspects different students as his possible online crush, the film has those students narrate the emails written to Simon.  It was a clever way to keep the audience guessing.

While the story may not be 'new', it was delightfully told with the perfect blend of drama and comedy.  We both really liked it.

I also liked the giant stand-up poster in the lobby of our theatre:


  1. Glad you saw it and liked it. We loved it. I cried several times.


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