Wednesday, December 13, 2017


I happened to be off work yesterday and after running multiple errands I was on my way to the grocery store at 3:00 when I got this text from Spouse:

"Can  you make magic cookie bars for my office cookie exchange tomorrow?  I need 4 dozen."

I've never made magic cookie bars before, but we've both eaten them many times at our friend Kerry & Hugh's house, so I Googled the recipe.  It was easier than I thought it would be so I purchased the 5 ingredients while in the grocery store.

That evening after dinner I made them and they turned out beautifully!  

I doubled the recipe in order to make them on this large, non-stick baking sheet.  I wasn't able to taste them because the doubled recipe made 48 bars and he needed exactly 48 bars for the exchange.  Fortunately someone was allergic to coconut so Spouse brought their bars back home and we got to eat them.  Delicious!

What's a magic cookie bar, you ask?  Here's the recipe.  Here's a tip: while still warm, run a knife around the pan's edge to loosen from the sides.  But wait until thoroughly cooled before cutting into bars.  If not, the soft chocolate will gunk up your knife and make your bars look messy.

I challenge you to find a simpler recipe than this.  And if you don't like coconut you can swap it out for something else (see recipe).

The magic cookie bars were a big hit with the folks in his office, and I think I'll make them for Christmas since they're so doggone easy to make and will travel well.  If you make them, let me know your experience.

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