Monday, October 02, 2017

Rescue me

A colleague of mine runs a kitten rescue, part-time.  She finds temporary foster homes for abandoned or surrendered kittens, gets them healthy and up-to-date on shots, and find forever homes for them.  Its a noble thing to do.

Once a year her rescue holds a fundraiser at a local restaurant, and since Spouse and Steven & Thad and I had been talking about trying to do some new/different things, I talked them into going to the fundraiser last evening.  

They were skeptical, imagining a bunch of 'crazy cat ladies' there wearing sweatshirts with kittens hanging from a tree branch saying "Hang in there!"  But I told them there was a buffet for just $15 and a silent auction, and that we needn't stay any longer than we wanted.  They reluctantly agreed to go.

Of course, it wasn't just 'crazy cat ladies', there was quite a mix of people/ages.  The food was actually good and we ran into a few people we knew, although we all agreed NOT to 'check in' on Facebook at the kitten rescue fundraiser.

However, 99% of the silent auction items were kitten/cat themed so none of us felt obligated to buy tickets... until I saw a $50 gift card for a nice restaurant we like.  So, to help out the poor little kitties I bought $5 worth of silent auction tickets and put them all in the box for the gift card.

Thad didn't want to wait around for the auction results but I lucked out and they started the auction with the $50 gift card.  They called out the winning ticket number but no one claimed the prize.  They must have already left.  So they pulled a 2nd ticket, called out the number, and it was mine!!

All the way home I got to tease them about not wanting to come to the 'crazy cat ladies' fundraiser and now we have a $50 gift card to use.  It was a fun evening.

1 comment:

  1. no we are not all crazy cat ladies; thank you for helping rescue a cute widdle kitty!


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