Monday, September 04, 2017

Labor Day

While summer doesn't technically end until Sept 22, many refer to Labor Day as the unofficial end of summer.  I can't believe its here already; the summer has passed so quickly.

We often have friends visit over Labor Day weekend but this year we didn't.  I was on the schedule to be in the office on both Sat & Sun so we decided not to invite anyone.  Today the office was closed for the holiday.

Spouse & I met Steven for breakfast at 10.  (Thad was at yoga.)  On our way home we stopped at the grocery store, then sat on the screened porch and enjoyed the nice weather.  I'd hoped to go to the beach but Spouse's back has been hurting a lot (spasms and shooting pain) so I didn't bug him to go.  Instead we relaxed on the porch with the dogs, looking at Facebook, online window shopping, and talking. It was actually nice not to have to 'labor' on Labor Day.

That evening we went to Steven & Thad's house for a 'Store bought BBQ'.  Typically Steven & Spouse would make the side salads homemade, but since this was a last minute decision, Steven simply bought the side salads at the grocery store and called it a 'Store bought BBQ'. The store bought salads were a perfectly fine accompaniment to the grilled burgers and hot dogs.  Nothing says American holiday like grilled food!  Oh, and Frito Scoops with Helluva Good dip. We also had a store bought cake for dessert.  I'm sure it was a lot less work than usual for them but just as enjoyable, at least to me.

1 comment:

  1. spouse & I had a lazy weekend also; spouse is still in recovery from his second surgery. we went out for mexican food yesterday.


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