Thursday, July 20, 2017

Double birthday!

Today is a double birthday in our household.  Its Spouse's birthday and Walter's birthday!!

These flowers arrived at Spouse's office today
Everyone with whom Spouse works always comment how nice it is that he receives flowers at work on his birthday, Valentines Day, and our anniversary.  I think its important that they see that gay couples are perhaps more apt to publicly celebrate their relationships/marriages because we've had to fight for their recognition.

When Spouse got home from work I gave him a gift I knew he'd like:  12 pairs of colorful socks.
I realize this might seem like an odd gift, but he LOVES colorful socks.  I knew he'd love these.  Besides, he already bought himself an Amazon Fire tablet and an Amazon Fire Stick a few days ago so he really left me very few options.

I also got him 5 of his favorite candies:

On Sat I have more plans to celebrate his birthday!

Unfortunately for Walter, his 2nd birthday was overshadowed by Spouse's birthday.  But I did give him extra head scratches and playtime.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the sox! and good & plenty too!

  2. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Happy Birthday to spouse and Walter (belated)! What, no pictures of little Walter??? The flowers are beautiful. The candy looks like movie theatre fair.

    Best wishes,


  3. I haven't read blogs in a long time, and so I'm just starting to catch up with yours. Happy belated BD's to your Spouse & Walter. I wanted to let you know that has a fun selection of colorful socks. I got my Dad some for Father's Day (which was really kind of a gamble, because he's not the colorful socks "type" at all), and he actually really liked them. Buying tip: most of them have extra padding in the sole for comfort, but at least a couple of them DON'T (I think it was camo and something else). If that is important for Spouse (it would be for me!), be sure to watch for that information on the website.


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