Monday, June 05, 2017


Spouse loves roses, so when we began planting stuff in our yard about 10 years ago we bought several Queen Elizabeth rose bushes.  They're light pick and rebloom several times between April and Oct.  They're planted in front of our front porch and grow crazy tall, which Spouse finds comical. So we refer to them as Comical Roses rather than Queen Elizabeth roses.

Later we bought 2 dark red and 1 magenta shrub rose bushes, which are planted on the side of the house.  These are great because they also rebloom but you don't have to deadhead them.  Then we saw some gorgeous orange roses at a nursery and bought 3 of those.  The orange color is so vivid the roses almost look artificial.  Last July for his birthday I bought Spouse 2 yellow shrub rose bushes which are planted by the front sidewalk.  They haven't bloomed much this year yet, but they may simply bloom later.  They have a lovely buttery yellow color. 

We've had more than the usual amount of rain over the last few weeks so the roses have all been loving that.  And although I don't love it when it rains, it does mean we don't have to water the roses.

I took a couple photos of the Comical Roses just after taking the dogs out in the front yard.  I didn't take photos of the others because the dark red and magenta ones had alreay peaked an the blooms were wilting, and the orange and yellow ones hadn't peaked yet.

Notice the height of the roses compared to the porch railing behind them.

Spouse's Comical Roses

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