Monday, September 26, 2016

Remembering George

Our good friend George passed away on Sept 11th, which is also his daughter Kelly's birthday.  He was 87 years old and had cancer.  He chose to leave this world on his own terms rather than undergoing chemo and radiation at 87.  He was a very unusual man, in a good way, and will be sorely missed.

George was a retired JAG officer who also had a small law practice until he fully retired.  He loved to read, followed politics, and was an extremely liberal democrat.  George noticed things.  When I changed my haircut, lost weight, or happened to wear glasses, George always noticed and complimented me.  He was famous for several catchphrases which we've repeated with respect for years and will continue to do so.

George told his daughters he did not want a funeral or memorial service.  But after talking with his eldest daughter (and my dear friend) Kerry, we decided that funerals and memorial services are not for the one who's passed, they're for those remaining.  So out of respect for his wishes and the need for closure for his loved ones, Kerry decided to have a "party" to celebrate her father's life.  It was yesterday in VA.

Spouse & I drove back to the area in VA where I grew up.  So much has changed since I lived there!  The "party" was in a banquet room of the clubhouse in the community where George had lived.  It was exactly what I'd hoped for:  lots of friends who knew and loved George, visiting with his daughters and each other, talking and laughing and hugging and looking at the hundreds of photos of George over the years.  No eulogies, no sad speeches; just love and light.

Here are some photos taken with my phone:
Spouse, Kerry, me

Me and Gini, a friend from high school and a former neighbor of George

Me and Harriet

Me, Kelly, and Spouse
Me, Dee Dee and Spouse
Afterward Spouse & I grabbed a bite to eat, made a stop at Trader Joe's to pick up some goodies, and headed back to DE.  It was a long day but a good one.  It was wonderful to be with others and remember George.

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