Monday, May 09, 2016

Mother's Day recap

Yesterday morning Spouse & I packed up the dogs and drove the 2 1/2 hours to DC to spend Mother's Day with his mom and family.  

Our nephew David (aka: Baby David) finished his semester at college last week so he was there when we arrived.  We hadn't seen him since Christmas.  Our niece Anna also arrived shortly after us, with her daughter and boyfriend in tow.  We visited with them and Spouse's mom for a while, and then I picked up my aunt Mary so she could join the fun.  Then Spouse's sister's mother-in-law and brother-in-law arrived.

We brought Marvin & Walter with us.  Typically we'd bring them to Spouse's mom's house and leave them there to sleep while we go to Spouse's sister's house for the meal and visiting.  But since Spouse's mom's house is undergoing renovations in preparation to go on the market, the boys were with us and the family, including Spouse's mom's dog Romeo.  All 3 dogs get along well together, and Walter especially loves chasing Romeo or being chased by Romeo.  It was a pretty day (no rain) so we were outside on the deck and in the fenced yard with the boys a good bit of the time.  We were really pleased with the boys' behavior. With all that activity during the day, Marvin was ready for a nap on Grandma's lap by late afternoon.

We had a delicious early dinner together; a combination of home-made and purchased items, and then Spouse's mom opened her cards and gifts.  Since she loves costume jewelry I picked out this seashell-themed necklace, earrings, and bracelet which I knew she'd love.

We left shortly after 7pm and got home about 9:30.  It was a long but very enjoyable day.

1 comment:

  1. awwwww, marvin looks adorable! where will spouse's mom live after the house sells?


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